- Exhibitors
Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge
In an effort to make IAAPA Expo more sustainable, IAAPA is inviting exhibitors to participate in the IAAPA Expo Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge.
It is easy to participate. Below is a list of ways exhibitors can practice sustainability efforts during IAAPA Expo. We ask each company willing to take the pledge to select five or more items and commit to them for IAAPA Expo.

Use either LED or compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
All displays, monitors and booth lighting will be powered down each night after show/setup hours. If equipment cannot be shut down, it will be put into sleep mode during non-expo hours.
Walk, take the IAAPA shuttle bus, or rideshare with your company employees to and from the facility during the Expo.
- Submit show orders electronically instead of printing order forms. Use the online Exhibitor Services Guide.
- Flooring is reusable and has either been used at previous events or will be used at future events.
- Display elements are reused from past events or will be reused at future events.
- Display elements contain a minimum 30% recycled content.
- Display elements include aluminum components, which are durable, lightweight and pack in less space.
- Use low volatile organic compound (VOC) and environmentally preferable carpet.
- Use low-VOC paints and coatings.
- Buy local: Use local suppliers for required building materials.
- Graphics are reusable and either used at previous events or will be used at future events.
- Graphics and signage are produced on 100% recyclable substrate.
- Graphics and signage contain a minimum of 30% recycled material.
- Graphics are printed on fabric material made of at least 30% recycled content.
- Shipments are consolidated into a single shipment.
- Avoid polystyrene used in booth shipment (i.e., packing peanuts, Styrofoam, #6 or foam plastic).
- Choose biodegradable packing materials.
- Use recyclable packaging.
- Padding materials and exhibit crates are reused for shipping during move-out.
- Waste accumulated is properly disposed of in the appropriate waste containers and use the buildings recyclable waste bins for paper, aluminum, plastic, and glass.
- Use cleaning products that are environmentally friendly.
- Participate in the exhibit donation program with Give Kids the World by providing materials that are eligible for donation such as plush, games, giveaways, t-shirts, rides, supplies and more.
- Recycle badges and lanyards at the conclusion in the bins located near the building entrances.
- Reduce literature and the number of giveaways shipped by 10% compared to previous shows.
- Giveaways are made of recycled, responsibly grown natural fiber, non-toxic and biodegradable materials.
- Electronic giveaways – Create smart and trendy giveaways, like a USB storage drive with your content already loaded.
- Use 100% recyclable or 50% post-consumer recycled content paper for all printed materials.
- Post QR codes in the booth that lead to marketing materials rather than handing out physical copies.
- Use the lead retrieval system to capture show leads instead of collecting business cards.
- Order seasonal and local produce to help reduce your carbon footprint.
- Food and beverage served within the booth will use reusable china service or compostable and recyclable service ware.
- Host a water cooler within the booth.
- Recycle plastic water bottles in booth.
Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge
Login to complete the Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge form with your selections by Oct. 11 to participate.
In return for your company's commitment to IAAPA's sustainability program, the IAAPA sustainability logo will be added to your booth sticker on-site and you'll receive a digital badge added to your listing in Connect+.
Get started now by logging into your Exhibitor Console and clicking the Exhibitor Required Documents.

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