À propos

Thomas Mack was born on 4 January 1981 in Lahr/Germany. He grew up in Rust, where he has also attended elementary school. In nearby Ettenheim he gained his Abitur school-leaving certificate in 2000. From 2001 until 2006 Thomas Mack studied at the renowned “Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern” (Swiss hotel management school in Luzern). He completed his studies as a graduate hotelier with the best diploma thesis of his class.

Already during his youth Thomas Mack has gained experience in the family business. For example he has worked in the following sections: attractions, F&B, hotel and technology.

During and after his studies he has passed numerous internships, for example in the nearby Relais & Chateau Hotel Dollenberg, in the gourmet restaurant “Au Crocodile” in Strasbourg (France), in the luxury hotel “Le Meurice” in Paris (France) and on the South African wine-growing estate Seidelberg.

Moreover, he has gained work experience in well-known international leisure parks such as Gardaland (Italy), Busch Gardens Williamsburg / VA (USA) and Warner Bros. Movie World / Queensland (Australia).

Since April 2007, Thomas Mack is responsible for the Europa-Park Hotel Resort and for the entire F&B division in the park.

Thomas Mack is the son of Roland Mack, managing partner of Europa-Park, and his wife Marianne.

Employeur de Thomas Mack


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