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Show Rules and Violation Penalties

The following are are key show rules to be aware of when exhibiting at IAAPA Expo Asia. Please review the Penalties tab for fines and loss of seniority for these and others. Full Expo Show Policies is available at

Handouts, Catalogs, Giveaways, Aisle Activity

Exhibitor literature and printed materials, including trade publications, may only be distributed from within an exhibitor’s contracted booth space and may not appear in any other public space of the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC) or that of the contracted IAAPA hotels. Certain sponsorship opportunities are exempt from this rule. Demonstrations, sales activities, and giveaways must take place within the exhibitors’ booth space. If booth visitors/spectators overflow into the aisles or adjacent booths, or otherwise impede normal traffic flow, Show Management has the right to limit, discontinue or move the demonstration area causing the problem. Distribution of materials and sales efforts may not take place in the aisles or in any other location outside the contracted booth space. Show Management reserves the right to remove any promotional materials distributed outside of designated booth area and/or ask individuals distributing the materials to vacate the premise. Street teams, mobile marketing, flash mobs, etc. that take outside of the contracted booth space is strictly prohibited. Show Management reserves the right to prohibit, limit or discontinue the distribution of gifts, giveaways, or similar promotions.

tech conference
Robots, Entertainers, Costume-Characters, Wheeled Vehicles

Demonstration of any robot, entertainer, costumed character or mechanized product must take place within an exhibitor's contracted booth space. Demonstration of any kind will not be permitted in the aisles or any other public area within the SNIEC during IAAPA Expo Asia. Violation of this rule will result in immediate removal of the robot, entertainer, character or vehicle from the MBS for the duration of the Show.  

Demonstration of amusement park products, such as strollers, carts, buggies or any other product or device on wheels, must remain within the contracted booth space. Operation of any device on wheels in the aisles or in any other public space within the SNIEC is strictly prohibited (except for approved wheelchairs, carts for people with disabilities, and certain approved Show Sponsors). Any wheeled device operating outside the booth space will be removed from the trade show floor for the duration of the show.

Sound Levels

Exhibitors must keep sound levels in their booth space to a reasonable level during the show. IAAPA reserves the right to determine when excessive sound, music, or other display activities interfere with other exhibitors’ ability to conduct business. Sustained noise should be no higher than 75 decibels (db) with intermittent peaks up to 85 db. Failure to maintain a reasonable decibel level (below 75db) may result in IAAPA Show Management setting an appropriate level for a specific exhibitor. Decibel levels will be monitored on the trade show floor during all show days.

Selling Rules

Selling within your exhibit space in exchange for cash or credit card when the purchaser 'carries away' merchandise is strictly prohibited. Exhibitor signage offering in-booth sales of display merchandise, for take-away, is prohibited. Exhibitors may only take orders for future delivery.

Subletting/Resale or Subcontracting Exhibit Space

Subletting or subcontracting of exhibit space to another company is strictly prohibited. Staff from non-affiliated/non-exhibiting companies, present in a booth for “selling”, is strictly prohibited.

Resale of reserved or contracted exhibit space is prohibited and will result in the loss of accumulated priority points and other penalties. Exhibitors are prohibited from engaging in any exhibit activity in any space other than that which has been contracted.

Co-Locating Booth Space

An exhibiting company may co-locate with another company if they have 51% or greater ownership. Proof of ownership must be provided to IAAPA prior to assignment. 

An exhibiting company’s booth must be branded with contracted exhibitor’s name/logo. Proof of the sales agreement must be provided to IAAPA upon request. 

An exhibiting company can promote a third-party company’s product/service in their booth if they are at least a minority stakeholder in the third-party company’s product/service or are a distributor for the third-party company. Only the third-party product/service can be promoted in the booth and may not be the sole product/service being promoted. The third-party company name/logo cannot be displayed as an exhibitor. 

Booth Staffing

The booth must remain intact and staffed during all open show hours. Any booths found unattended longer than 30 minutes will face penalties. No form of booth packing should begin until the show closes Thursday, 3 July at 15:00. All personnel working in a booth must be employees of the exhibiting company.

virtual reality

Product Legalities

Exhibitors with products, the sale of which may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, must display a sign in their booth space to that effect. Manufacturers and other exhibitors of equipment that may be considered to be gaming equipment, devices or other products are responsible for determining that they can legally exhibit such items in Thailand.

Violations, Fines, and Loss of Exhibit Seniority

In its sole discretion, IAAPA will be assessing penalties for rules and regulations violations on the show floor during IAAPA Expo. IAAPA will give exhibitors two warnings (when applicable) and then apply an appropriate penalty. Both the Manufacturers & Suppliers Committee and the Space Allocation Subcommittee have determined penalties in advance, which could range from mild (cessation of product demonstration) to severe (loss of exhibitor priority, seniority points, and a monetary fine).

Violations may be added or amended at any time as is seen necessary by committee members. Penalties include but are not limited to; loss of one to ten years of exhibit seniority, booth closure, exhibitor suspension, monetary penalty or a combination of penalties listed. Please read the Exhibitor Services Guide carefully and contact IAAPA should you have any questions concerning show rules and/or this policy.

The following is a list of booth and safety violations and the suggested penalty that may be enforced. All fees are in U.S. dollars. Repeat violations from previous years will receive double the penalty and loss of seniority points.

ViolationLoss of Exhibit Seniority    Fine
Badge sharing or attendee wearing an exhibitor badge    One (1) Year    US$250
Late Booth Set-up    One (1) Year    US$250
Aisle Infringement    One (1) Year    US$250
Late Submission of Required Files (Safety Form, Booth Layout Form)    One (1) Year    US$250
Setback/Visual Line of Site Infringement    One (1) Year    US$250
Double-Sided Signage Infraction    One (1) Year    US$250
Height Violation    One (1) Year    US$250
Display Unfinished or Unsightly, No Floor Covering    One (1) Year    US$250
Awning/Overhang Booth Fixture Beyond Booth Boundries    One (1) Year    US$250
Customers in Aisle Due to Booth Design    One (1) Year    US$250
Selling on the Trade Show Floor    One (1) Year    US$250
Product Waste or Emission in Aisle    One (1) Year    US$250
Booth Photography Without Permission*    One (1) Year    US$250
Construction/Set-up During Show Hours    Two (2) Years     US$250
Underage (less than 18 years) Children in the Booth During Move-in or Move-Out    Two (2) Years     US$250
Product and/or Literature Displayed and/or Distributed Outside of Booth (includes fog, lasers, confetti, etc.)    Two (2) Years     US$250
Costume Characters Outside of Booth (not in transit)    Two (2) Years     US$250
Subletting Booth Space or Non-Approved Co-Locating    Two (2) Years     US$250
Use of Flammable Display Materials    Two (2) Years     US$250
Unsafe Move-in or Move-out Practices    Two (2) Years     US$250
Product Removal During Show Dates    Two (2) Years     US$500
Hospitality Suites or Events held off show floor during open show hours    Three (3) YearsUS$500
Noise Violation    Three (3) YearsUS$500
Early Tear-Down / Dismantle or No Show**    Three (3) YearsUS$500
Booth Left Unstaffed Longer than 30 Minutes    Three (3) YearsUS$500
Violation of ASTM F24 Standards applicable to Amusement Rides/Devices    Ten (10) Years US$1000
Static Ride place into operation without approval    Ten (10) Years US$1000
Mechanical Devices and Structures in exhibit area not properly assembled    Ten (10) Years US$1000

*Would be waived when utilized for documentation of intellectual property rights, AND only if that company's intellectual property claim (complaint or defense) is found to be valid by the IP mediators.

**No Show violation includes any booth cancellations within one week of first show move-in date.






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