Mic Drop: Regions Rooted in Our Industry

I still recall my first job as a teenager operating a dark ride and guiding visitors at a fun house in Reino Aventura, one of Mexico City’s first theme parks. This early job at a noteworthy attraction taught me a lot about customer service and responsibility, shaping my professional development.
In the first edition of Mic Drop appearing in Funworld, I would like to highlight IAAPA’s power to connect industry professionals. While working on behalf of our members, I’ve seen firsthand how IAAPA develops careers and can change lives.
Three years ago, we organized the virtual Institute for Attractions Managers for Brazil. The online program was open to both members and non-members. During this event, a young professional named Daniel Colleto, who was working in a completely different industry, joined the virtual program. Through the event, he connected with other industry professionals and showcased his passion and creativity by solving a case study, a part of the Institute program. As a result, Daniel was hired by an IAAPA member in Brazil who also participated in the program.
IAAPA opened doors for Daniel to achieve his dream, and we’ve done the same for many others, providing a platform where they learn from their peers, directly advance their careers, and enhance their businesses by sharing best practices and experiences.
This year, IAAPA Latin America, Caribbean will host the IAAPA Summit 2024 + Latin American Amusement Expo in Medellín, Colombia, April 15-18. Attendees will discover exciting opportunities to redefine the landscape of their career, find meaningful connections on the largest-ever summit show floor, and gain the knowledge they need to take their career to the next level with a high-quality education program. They’ll also visit and learn from local attractions, including the Theme Park Hacienda Napoles.
This is a first-ever partner event between IAAPA Latin America, Caribbean and the Colombian Association of Attractions and Amusement Parks (ACOLAP, Asociación Colombiana de Atracciones y Parques de Diversiones), the local association.
I find great satisfaction sharing stories like Daniel’s and witnessing IAAPA’s mission at work: fulfilling lives all around the world.
This original reporting from IAAPA News first appeared in Funworld magazine. For more stories and videos covering the global attractions industry and to read a digital version of Funworld magazine, click here.
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