Group of hands together

Expo Policies

As the sponsor of the Expos, IAAPA reserves the right to prohibit and prevent the attendance, participation, registration, exhibition or any individual or firm for any reason with the exclusive discretion of IAAPA. IAAPA need not disclose or describe the reasons for its decision to do so.

Liability, Hold Harmless

By registering for or attending an IAAPA-sponsored Expo or other event, I am aware that the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease known as COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization.  COVID-19 is extremely contagious.  The state of medical knowledge is evolving, but the virus is believed to spread from person-to-person contact and/or by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and through the air. People can be infected, show no symptoms and therefore spread the disease unknowingly.  Evidence has shown that COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life-threatening illness and even death. As of the date, there is no known widely available government-approved cure for COVID-19, and none is anticipated to be fully available by the time of the event.  I am aware that the event is occurring in a public location during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the my attendance at the event therefore could be hazardous. I am aware that even diligent efforts to follow public health guidance and orders cannot guarantee that attendees will not contract the virus that causes COVID-19, and that I could be infected, seriously injured or even die due to COVID-19 or due to activities by me or others on or at the event. 

By registering for or attending an IAAPA-sponsored Expo or other event, I acknowledge and agree that IAAPA shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, death, injuries, communicable disease, illness, or other liability which may be sustained by any person who may be on the premises for the event, including but not limited to any registrant, attendee, or agent, employee, representative or guest thereof, or any other person or entity. I agree to hold harmless IAAPA from any and all claims, losses, damages, death, injuries, communicable disease, illness, or other liability whatsoever, whether to property, person or otherwise, that may arise in connection with attendance at the event. 

By attending an IAAPA-sponsored Expo or other events, I recognize and accept that some exhibits, amusement park rides, attractions or other installations of facilities (collectively, "attractions") may pose risk of discomfort or injury to myself or other attendees or damage clothing or property. I recognize that for safety and comfort and in order to participate, I should be in good health and free from heart, back, or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by such attractions, and that expectant mothers should not ride.


In no event will IAAPA be liable to any registrant or attendee, whether in contract or tort, for any amount in excess of the fees paid by such. In no event shall IAAPA be liable, whether in contract or tort, for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, punitive or special damages or awards, including but not limited to lost profits.

Antitrust Policy

Pursuant to section 2.02 (a) of the association’s bylaws, it is the policy of the association that IAAPA complies strictly with the letter and spirit of all federal and state antitrust laws, rules, and regulations applicable in any jurisdiction in which the association or its members do business. Any activities of the association or association-related actions of its staff, officers, directors, or members that violate these regulations and laws are detrimental to the interests of the association and are unequivocally contrary to association policy. As such, all directors, officers, committee members, employees, and staff will be advised of the areas of antitrust concern to IAAPA and are responsible for understanding and monitoring adherence to the antitrust policy.

This policy applies both to activities within IAAPA and to any joint activities that involve IAAPA with other entities, associations, and organizations. However, the policy is necessarily general and cannot anticipate every issue that may emerge. Therefore, it is very important that IAAPA employees, officers, directors, and members consult with legal counsel whenever questions or issues arise concerning application of this policy and the antitrust laws in general.

Implementation of the antitrust compliance policy of IAAPA shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • The association membership, Board of Directors, and all other committee meetings shall be conducted consistent with this policy and pursuant to agendas distributed to attendees; discussions shall be limited to agenda items and minutes of all meetings shall be kept and distributed to attendees promptly.
  • All association activities or discussions shall be avoided which might be construed as tending to: (a) address fees, including raising, lowering, or stabilizing prices; (b) regulate production; (c) allocate markets; (d) encourage boycotts; (e) foster unfair trade practices; (f) assist in monopolization or in any way violate applicable regulations and antitrust laws in any jurisdiction.
  • No officer, director, or member of the association shall make any representation in public or in private, orally or in writing, which states or appears to state an official policy or position of the association without specific authorization to do so.
Outboarding Policy

Outboarding is defined as marketing, sales, and hospitality events conducted by exhibitors and others capitalizing on the presence of buyers and/or sellers attending the original show without previously notifying the original show organizer and finagling an arrangement that benefits both parties. This practice is considered unethical and is condemned by IAAPA. It includes practices such as “coat-tailing”, “piggy-backing”, co-location of events, and large scale hospitality events, particularly during show hours.

Solicitation (Suitcasing) Policy

Please note that while IAAPA events and expos are open to all industry personnel, any attendee or exhibitor who are observed to be soliciting business including distribution of promotional materials in the aisles or other public spaces or in another company’s booth, will be asked to return their badges and to leave the show floor immediately. Non-exhibiting attendees are prohibited from promoting their business services including on social media. Violators may be removed from the premises, have their badge revoked, and/or prohibited from attending future IAAPA events. IAAPA asks that you report any violations observed to the Show Management immediately. Show Management is available at IAAPA Member Central, Registration or Show/Operations Office or contact [email protected].

Photography, Videography and Livestreaming

We may take photographs or videos at our “live” events, and our webinars may be recorded. Your personal data may therefore be collected (e.g., in pictures, videos, or recordings). We process this personal data on the basis that it is in our legitimate interests to do so (in promoting and marketing the IAAPA – e.g., by sharing pictures, videos, and recordings in publications, on social media, and on our website). If you are not happy with your personal data being collected, processed, and shared in this manner, then please contact [email protected]

when singing up, or when attending an event. If you do not object to us collecting, processing, and sharing your personal data in this manner, then we do not consider your fundamental rights and freedoms to outweigh our legitimate interests.


Only escorted members of the Press are allowed to photograph booths. Attendees must obtain permission from the exhibitor before photographing a booth. Selfie sticks and Periscoping or Livestreaming of any kind is not permitted. 


We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. Please contact [email protected] if you require any accommodations at least 30 days prior.

IAAPA events can include flash photography, strobe lights, loud/amplified noise or music, and/or fireworks.

Additional Expo Show Guidelines
  • Personal safety and the security of personal effects is the responsibility of each registrant.
  • No hoverboards or Segways are permitted on the trade show floor.
  • No weapons of any kind.
  • Random bag checking may take place during an Expo. Failure to consent or submit to inspection may result in denial of entry.

Failure to adhere to Expo Show Guidelines can result in the confiscation of name badge and removal from event.

Business Network Concept

Expo Registration Policies

Expo Registration Policies Information



Badges are not transferable. Reproduction, sharing or swapping or name badges is not permitted. Failure to adhere to Show Policies can result in confiscation of name badge and removal from the facility. Badges must be worn at all events. IAAPA is not shipping any attendee name badges or purchased special event tickets in advance. All attendee name badges and purchased special event tickets can be collected at Registration with a copy of your confirmation email, and photo ID. Every attendee must collect their own name badge.


All attendees will be required to provide a picture ID to collect their badge, purchased tickets on-site. Students and Faculty will be required to provide a current student or faculty ID from a degree-granting university or college.

Lost Badges or Purchased Tickets

Lost, stolen or misplaced badges must be repurchased at the prevailing rate. Purchased Special Event tickets must be repurchased at full cost. If the originals are located and returned within 24 hours, you must submit to IAAPA a written request for a refund after the show. No refunds will be processed on site. IAAPA will evaluate each refund request on a case-by-case basis.

Cancelation Policy

IAAPA Expo & IAAPA Expo Europe

  • On or before 30 days prior to the start of the event, attendees will be able to cancel their registration and receive a refund, less a $25/€25 processing fee, within the IAAPA Expo registration portal. Attendees are also able to submit written cancellation/refund requests to [email protected] during the same time frame. There are no refunds for registration fees after the 30-day cutoff date. There will be no refund for special event tickets purchased and no refund for charity items benefiting the IAAPA Foundation at any time. Cancellations due to illness or emergency will be evaluated by the IAAPA team on a case-by-case basis.

IAAPA Expo Asia:

  • Only written requests to [email protected], received on or before 30 days prior to the start of IAAPA Expo Asia will receive a refund, less a $25 processing fee. There are no refunds for registration fees after the 30-day cutoff date. There will be no refund for special event tickets purchased and no refund for charity items benefiting the IAAPA Foundation at any time. Cancellations due to illness or emergency will be evaluated by the IAAPA team on a case-by-case basis.

IAAPA Expos are only open to attractions industry professionals. They are not open to the general public. Only registrants wearing an official Expo badge will be allowed on the trade show floor.


Anyone under 18 years of age must register and pick up a wristband onsite at registration. Registration for anyone under 18 years of age is complimentary, however, the identification wristband must be worn all times.

Those under 18:

  • Must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Are not allowed to attend ticketed events and the education conference.
  • Are not allowed on the trade show floor during exhibitor move in or move out, or early/late access hours.
Aqua Park with Inflatable Bounce Play Area

Expo and Event Guidelines for Appropriate Conduct

IAAPA expos and events provide an ideal opportunity to exchange information, participate in education sessions, network, and buy and sell new products and services.

Expo and Event Guidelines for Appropriate Conduct Details
  • IAAPA expos and events provide an ideal opportunity to exchange information, participate in education sessions, network, and buy and sell new products and services. IAAPA is committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. We expect all attendees, journalists, speakers, staff, volunteers, organizers, venue staff, vendors, and exhibitors to help us ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone. The guidelines for appropriate behavior and conduct at all IAAPA Expos and events are listed below. Also included are the expectations for participant behavior, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.
  • Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior or speech.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings at all times.
  • Alert event venue security or a member of the IAAPA team if you notice a dangerous or harassing situation or someone in distress.
Unacceptable Behavior
  • Unacceptable behaviors include: intimidating, threatening, harassing, physically or verbally abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning conduct by any participant at the event or at any related event activities. All who participate in the event deserve respectful treatment, regardless of the capacity in which they are attending.
  • IAAPA defines harassment to include: offensive verbal comments or clothing related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, gender identity, or disability; use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides); deliberate intimidation, stalking or unwelcome following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention.

    Attendees often combine professional activities with social interaction with other attendees and while IAAPA encourages such networking and strengthening of connections between participants, IAAPA reserves the right to remove anyone whose social attentions become unwelcome to another, particularly if the behavior continues after their unwelcome nature has been communicated to the offending individual. IAAPA also reserves the right to remove any participant who appears inebriated or engages in conduct that interferes with the ability of others to participate in and enjoy the event. Weapons of any kind are prohibited at IAAPA events. 
If you witness or experience conduct that violates the guidelines
  • Conduct in violation of these guidelines should be brought promptly to the attention of event security and an IAAPA Human Resources team member. If a Human Resources team member is not immediately available to address the concern, please notify any member of the IAAPA leadership team or the IAAPA expo operations team.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior
  • Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated at the events, whether by attendees, journalists, speakers, volunteers, organizers, venue staff, sponsors, or exhibitors. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. IAAPA expects all attendees and exhibitors to abide by guidelines at all event venues and event-related social activities as a condition of attendance.  IAAPA, in its discretion, may bar those who violate these guidelines from continued attendance or participation in some or all of the event, without refund of any fees paid, and may in appropriate circumstance bar violators of these policies from attendance or participation at future events.
Students with their professor in a classroom

IAAPA Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures 

IAAPA Board of Directors adopted a policy and procedures document regarding intellectual property for companies who purchase 1) exhibit space for any IAAPA expo, 2) sponsorship for any IAAPA event, 3) or advertising for any IAAPA publications. In general, this policy requires the purchasing company to attest that it owns or has rights to sell the product and in the event of a dispute will abide by a binding arbitration process. We strongly encourage our manufacturers, and consultant members to become familiar with this policy to make sure you comply with its provisions.

IAAPA Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures

child playing in water splash pad

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