Set Yourself Apart as a Certified Industry Professional

Gain a competitive edge and demonstrate your expertise with IAAPA Certification, the industry's gold standard for recognizing professionals with proven knowledge and skills. Join a global network of over 500 certified individuals, enhancing your career opportunities and credibility while showcasing your commitment to excellence in the attractions industry.

Coming Soon: 

  • Attractions Safety Certification
  • AI in Attractions Certification

Benefits of IAAPA Certification

Benefits to the Individual

Certification demonstrates commitment, competence, and credibility as a professional in the attractions industry.


  • Your knowledge and experience have been impartially validated.

  • Opens more opportunities for advancement.

  • Grants credential developed against ISO and ANSI standards.

  • Demonstrates your commitment to personal career growth and professional development in the attractions industry.

Benefits to the Organization

Organizations that support a team member’s journey to earning a certification realize many benefits.


  • Provides your organization with a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining attraction professionals.

  • Boosts internal and market-facing credibility.

  • Provides professional recognition for your team.

  • Contribute to the development path for your attraction professionals.

  • Increases employee engagement and productivity.

IIAPA certified Professional


To earn your ICAP, you must pass a 200-question, multiple-choice assessment of your knowledge across five domains or pass all 5 ICAP Micro-Exams.

You only need 1-6 years of supervisory experience in the attractions industry to be eligible for the IAAPA Certified Attractions Professional (ICAP).


  • Facility Operations, Entertainment and Guest Relations

  • Revenue and Financial Management

  • Safety and Security

  • Marketing and Public Relations

  • HR and Management

IAAPA Certified Attraction Excetutive


Earning your IAAPA Certified Attractions Executive (ICAE) designation shows that you’re competent, confident and committed to your career.



  • You need 7 years’ experience with a Bachelor’s degree, or 10 years without, to be eligible.

  • Once approved into the program, you have two years to pass your exam.

  • For the 70-question, multiple-choice exam, you will be given a case study similar to cases you would encounter on the job and must answer questions related to it.

Contact us about IAAPA Certification

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Certification Quick Links

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