- Exhibitors
Early Bird Deadline - February 14, 2025
2025 Floorplan and Exhibitor List
2025 Floorplan and Exhibitor List
IAAPA Expo assignment of booth space is completed during a space allocation process. The assignment process is completed over a 5-day period by the IAAPA Global Sales Team. Space will be assigned in seniority order by membership status, the number of years exhibiting, followed by consecutive years of membership, and finally the contract submission date and receipt of the 50% deposit. Getting your contract in early is the best way to secure a great booth location and take advantage of the discounted booth rate ($1.50 per sq. ft.). All contracts must be submitted due by February 28, 2025, to be included in the Space Allocation meeting.
IAAPA Expo is now a “Cubic Content” show so there will no longer be height restrictions in certain areas of the booth. All booths must be constructed per the booth guidelines provided within the specific type of booth space being leased.
What is the Space Allocation Meeting?
IAAPA Expo booth assignment is completed during a space allocation process. The assignment process is completed over a 5-day period by the IAAPA Global Sales Team. Space will be assigned in seniority order by membership status, the number of years exhibiting, followed by consecutive years of membership, and finally the contract submission date and receipt of the 50% deposit. Getting your contract in early is the best way to secure a great booth location and take advantage of the discounted booth rate ($1.50 per sq. ft.). All contracts must be submitted by February 28, 2025, to be included in the Space Allocation meeting.
IAAPA Expo is now a “Cubic Content” show so there will no longer be height restrictions in certain areas of the booth. All booths must be constructed per the booth guidelines provided within the specific type of booth space being leased. Please refer to the Booth Display Specifications to ensure your designs comply with the requirements.
When is the deadline to submit your contract for assignment during the Meeting?
The deadline for exhibitors to submit their contracts and participate in the Space Allocation Meeting is February 28, 2025.
Who is assigned during the meeting?
All exhibitors who have submitted their contracts by February 28, 2025. Note: IAAPA’s Top 25% Companies will be assigned to the trade show floor Jan. 27th – Jan. 31st.
As an exhibitor do I need to attend the Meeting?
No, the IAAPA Global Sales Team will handle the booth assignments during the meeting. We do kindly ask that the primary contact remain available in case we have any questions regarding your placement.
As an exhibitor I would like to attend the Meeting, am I allowed to?
No, the meeting will be virtual and is limited to IAAPA staff only. However, we encourage all exhibitors to follow the live updates online at IAAPA.org/ExpoMap24. Assignments will occur in real-time and will be continuously updated. If you would like to change any of your selections before your booth is assigned, please email your request to [email protected], and it will be reviewed by the IAAPA team throughout the process.
How do I ensure I get what booth location I want?
When completing the Booth application, please specify your preferred booth selections or the area of the trade show floor where you’d like to be located. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to assign your booth space. Please keep in mind that IAAPA Expo assigns booth spaces based on seniority, so your booth preferences are treated as requests and cannot be guaranteed. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Global Sales Team.
What if I do not like the booth assigned to me?
Once you are assigned a space on the trade show floor, the main booth contact on record will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the floor plan, booth number, and booth move request form. To request a new booth number, simply complete the booth move request form or email [email protected]. Please be aware that the process will not be held and will move quickly, so any delay in your response may impact booth availability.
انضم إلى IAAPA اليوم واحصل على وصول حصري إلى رؤى الصناعة والتواصل والفعاليات والموارد المصممة وفقًا لاحتياجاتك المهنية.
انضم الآنفوائد العضويةتعود رؤوس أموال المستثمرين الأجانب إلى عهد قيام المملكة العربية السعودية منذ ستينات القرن الماضي وهي قادمة للعمل وتنمية الاقتصاد ولا تعتبر هروبا من بلدان المستثمرين من بلدهم. واكثر فئة من المستثمرين الأجانب هم ذوي الخبرات الواسعة ، وهم عائدون إلى بلادهم لحسن سيرتهم العامرة باستثمارهم في المملكة العربية السعودية في قطاعات عديدة في المملكة ولا أعتقد أن هناك من شكك في التحول الكامل للمملكة للعمل من اجل جذب المزيد من الاجانب للاستثمار في قطاعات متعددة في المملكة لطويلة الأجل يستفيد الجميع منها.
تواصل مع القصص الحقيقية وراء المتعة
تابع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بنا للحصول على قصص حقيقية ولحظات مميزة وإطلالات من وراء الكواليس من عالم الجذب السياحي.