IAAPA Expo Europe Booth Configurations

Shell scheme booths include 2.5m high wall panels, nameboard with company name and country flag, lighting, power socket, and carpet. Any customizations are at the exhibitor’s expense.

Shell Scheme

Shell scheme booths include 2.5m high wall panels, nameboard with company name and country flag, lighting, power socket, and carpet. Any customizations are at the exhibitor’s expense.

  • 2.5m high octanorm shell scheme
  • White wall infill panels
  • 400mm high fascia constructed from octanorm system
  • White fascia infill panels
  • Nameboard with company name and country flag
  • Full color IAAPA Expo Europe logo applied per open side of fascia
  • 1 x 3KW power socket
  • 1 LED spotlight per 3sqm of stand space
  • Grey carpet
  • There is an allowance of 5 staff badges per 9sqm booth with an additional 2 badges for each 9sqm in addition
  • For every 9sqm of booth space you are entitled to 10 exhibitor guest passes
  • You can put graphics on your wall panels.
  • Rigging is only allowed above your booth.
    • Maximum height depends on the hall location.
    • Applications for rigging must be received 28 in advance of the show

Space Only

Space only does not include any booth equipment, partition walls or supplies. Allows for custom-built stand design. Exhibitor must provide a wall against any adjacent booth that must be a minimum of 2.5m in height. Exhibitors in perimeter booths must provide walling towards the building walls as well. Floor covering is required.

Tabletop Booths

Tabletop exhibit booths are available to companies for a maximum of three times at IAAPA Expo Europe and cannot be combined with a regular booth. They are designed as an economical way to showcase your company for the first time. Each booth is 3mx2m and includes carpet, backwall, company nameboard, one counter-high table and high stool, lighting, and basic electricity. Tabletop booths are limited and cannot be customized. No product display or banners/pop-ups; all items must fit on counter

  • 3X2m Exhibit space with back wall
  • Carpet
  • Lighting
  • One electrical connection
  • One counter / table top and two high stools
  • Nameboard
  • Online exhibitor listing
  • Two Exhibitor Staff Badges valid for the duration of the Table Top Package contracted
  • Allowance of five (5) complimentary guest invitations for clients 

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