Exhibitor Schedule

Move-In (27-30 June)    DateTime
Move-In Official Contractor / Freight Forwarder (Pico and APT)    Friday, 27 June - Monday, 30 June  9:00 - 18:00      
Raw Space Exhibitors Larger than 36 sqm Move-in    Friday, 27 June    13:00 - 18:00          
All Raw Space Exhibitors Move-in    Saturday, 28 June    9:00 - 18:00
Shell Scheme Exhibitor Move-in    Sunday, 29 June    13:00 - 20:00
Exhibitor Move-in Completed    Monday, 30 June    9:00 - 20:00
Exhibitor Set-up Deadline for Inspection    Monday, 30 June    17:00

Exhibitors need additional time to move-in may request an earlier slot to IAAPA Show Management at [email protected] by 23 May. Requests are subject to approval and not guaranteed.


Show Days (1-3 July)    DateTime
Trade Show Open    Tuesday, 1 July and Wednesday, 2 July    10:00 - 17:00   
 Thursday, 3 July    10:00 - 15:00  



During the exhibition period, exhibitors will have access to the hall two hours before opening and one hour after closing hours to service their exhibits on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday access is one hour before opening.



Tear-Down (3-4 July)    DateTime
Exhibition Closes    Thursday, 3 July    15:00
Move-out of Hand Carry Items    Thursday, 3 July    15:00
Power Supply to be Switched Off    Thursday, 3 July    15:30
Tear-Down Exhibitors    Thursday, 3 July   15:30 - 22:00
Non-Official Contractor Access to Hall    Thursday, 3 July    18:00 - 22:00
Exhibitor Move-Out Completed    Friday, 4 July    9:00 - 13:00
Move-in Deadline

Any exhibit booth not occupied by 17:00 on Monday, 30 June, will be reassigned at IAAPA’s discretion, with no refund to the exhibitor. All exhibits must be COMPLETELY set-up for show management inspection by 17:00 on Monday, 30 June or they could incur fines and penalties.

Move-Out Guidelines

Move-out will begin immediately after the close of the Trade Show at 15:00, Thursday, 3 July. Dismantling of any part of your exhibit prior to the 15:00 show closing on Thursday, 3 July will result in a monetary penalty, the forfeiture of accumulated priority points, and potential suspension of future exhibiting privileges. This policy is strictly enforced!

The return of empty shipping containers will begin beginning at 15:30, in random order. Please keep the aisles clear. All empty boxes, containers and crates will be returned to the booths on Thursday evening. This process will be completed within 4 hours.  Because of the time that return of empty crates or containers may take, please plan your outbound flights accordingly.

Please visit the APT counter on-site to arrange freight movement and/or outbound shipping. Any exhibits, booth equipment, materials, fixtures and fittings left in the hall after 13:00 on Friday, 4 July by exhibitors or their contractors will be discarded, and any removal/cleaning costs will be charged to the relevant exhibitors.

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