Sponsor Spotlight Sessions for Platinum Level Sponsors of IAAPA Expo Europe 2024

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Platinum Sponsors have the exciting opportunity to host a Sponsor Spotlight Session! Sponsors will have the option to deliver a 20-minute presentation about their company to both member and non-member attendees at a Sponsor Spotlight Session. These sessions are limited and on a first come, first-serve basis. For a review of this opportunity, please see the Sponsor Spotlight Guidelines. For questions about the Sponsor Spotlight Sessions, please contact  Aarti Maharaj.

Info Details
  • To sign up for your session, click here. The deadline to sign up is 15 July, 2024.
  • Platinum Sponsors must send in their session title, description, and speakers by 1 August, 2024.
  • Send in your presentation to [email protected] using WeTransfer. Also, please bring the presentation on a USB stick as a backup. You will not be able to use your own laptop or tablet during the presentation.
  • Your session will be listed with logo recognition on the IAAPA website and on the Connect+ mobile app.
  • However, the task of inviting your clients and prospective clients is up to you!  We encourage you to use email marketing and social media to spread the word about your session and invite attendees to learn more about your company.
  • Promote your Sponsor Spotlight Session with your network at IAAPA Expo Europe 2024! Download ready-to-use social media graphics to use on your social media channels. Don’t forget the official hashtag #IAAPAExpos.
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Por favor, não inclua informações pessoais (endereço residencial, CPF, número de seguro social, etc.)

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