tech co

Sponsored Giveaway Information


If your sponsorship package includes the ability to provide giveaways, we kindly ask you to email Aarti Maharaj at [email protected] with details about the giveaway so we can provide IAAPA approval. Approval is required for all giveaway items. If you need quantity estimates, we would be happy to provide our team’s current estimates for your sponsored event.

Info Details

Please keep in mind that IAAPA is committed to promoting safe rider behavior. Brochures or other marketing materials may not depict riders with hands in the air or holding loose articles, and all riders should be holding onto provided safety restraints.

For all sponsored giveaway items that have received IAAPA approval, please use the below shipping instructions. Sponsored giveaway items should be shipped to the sponsor storage area and NOT to your exhibitor booth. 

Sponsored giveaway items should arrive at the venue between 1 - 18 September 2024. Please note that if your items arrive any time after 18 September, you may be subjected to late arrival surcharges (based on the basic handling rate), but we will not guarantee delivery date for your late arrival consignment. We highly encourage you to follow the below shipping instructions and send the required documents to avoid confusion or delays.

Once shipped to the sponsor storage room, please send all tracking information and the below details to Aarti Maharaj at [email protected]

  • Shipping Company Name
  • Expected arrival date
  • Carrier
  • Tracking information
  • Description of what being shipped (i.e. 5 boxes of socks)
virtual reality

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Unisciti oraVantaggi per i membri

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Si prega di non includere informazioni personali (indirizzo di casa, codice fiscale, numero di previdenza sociale, ecc.)

Se si tratta di un'emergenza, si prega di chiamare il 911

Si prega di non includere informazioni personali (indirizzo di casa, numero di identificazione fiscale, numero di previdenza sociale, ecc.)

Se si tratta di un'emergenza, chiamare il 911

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