In an effort to make IAAPA Expo Asia more sustainable, IAAPA is inviting exhibitors to participate in the IAAPA Expo Asia Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge.

It is easy to participate. Below is a list of ways exhibitors can practice sustainability efforts during IAAPA Expo Asia. We ask each company willing to take the pledge to select five or more items and commit to them for IAAPA Expo Asia.

To encourage higher commitment, IAAPA will conduct on-site follow-ups with a sample of pledged exhibitors to observe, collect data, and gather insights. Exhibitor sustainability stories, including commitments met, challenges faced, and ideas for others to follow, will be shared through IAAPA communications. Additionally, a short self-reporting survey will provide further feedback to help refine and strengthen the pledge for future events.

Login to MYS complete the Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge form with your selections by 23 May to participate.

In return for your company's commitment to IAAPA's sustainability program, the IAAPA sustainability logo will be added to your booth sticker on-site and to IAAPA Connect+.

Get started now by logging into MYS and clicking the Exhibitor Required Documents.