Press Release

Notable attractions industry experts to speak at IAAPA Honors 2024

04:07 PM • Von Destiny Taylor

ORLANDO, FLORIDA (February 21, 2024) – With less than three weeks until IAAPA’s premier event for IAAPA Awards, the global association for the attractions industry has revealed its keynote speaker and additional panelists for IAAPA Honors 2024.

IAAPA Honors will begin with a keynote presentation from longtime Disney executive George Kalogridis. George has over 50 years of experience in cultivating strategic partnerships across North America, Asia, and Europe. George has held pivotal roles at Disney including vice president of EPCOT, president of Walt Disney World® Resort, and chief operating officer of Disneyland Paris Resort.

Kalogridis will discuss fostering an environment of innovation, creativity, and excellence within the workplace. He will address strategies for businesses to provide unmatched customer service experiences, distinguishing themselves from the competition.

More from Disney, IAAPA is thrilled to feature “The Art of Disney Spectacular” with Steven Davison, vice president of parades and spectaculars at Walt Disney Imagineering Creative Entertainment. With over three decades of experience at Disney in various capacities, Steven brings a wealth of vision, expertise, and knowledge on the entertainment industry. This session is one that promises to encourage, inspire, and motivate attendees.

Adding to the IAAPA Honors roster are Rex Jackson, managing director of LEGOLAND North America Resorts; John Paul Geurts, founder of Funopoly, a creative consultancy specializing in strategic solutions for global themed entertainment brands; and James Anderson, senior creative director at Forrec. They will serve as panelists for a session dedicated to exploring creativity and unique approaches that yield record-breaking results.

Glenn Davidson, advisor at Miral Destinations, and Al Cross, vice president at PGAV Destinations, will join the previously announced Sascha Czibulka from Intamin on the innovation panel. The group will share thought-provoking ideas that can help take companies to the next level.

Don’t miss the chance to witness some of the greatest minds in the industry all together under one roof! It all takes place Sunday, March 3, at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas. Attendees may register here.

Guests can extend their stay in Las Vegas and attend the IAAPA North America Summit from March 3-5, 2024.


Destiny Taylor
Manager, Global Communications

Born and raised in the heart of the theme park capital of the world, Destiny’s love for the attractions industry runs deep. Her journey began at Universal Studios, where she landed her first job in high school, setting the stage for a career rooted in creativity and storytelling.

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