IAAPA Foundation

The IAAPA Foundation exists to inspire and support life-changing careers in the global attractions industry.

Inspiring Life-Changing Careers in the Attractions Industry

The IAAPA Foundation supports careers in the attractions industry through academic, experiential, and industry scholarships. It also creates programs to raise awareness of the diverse and rewarding career opportunities in the field.

As a U.S. 501(C)(3) tax-exempt charity, the foundation is separate from IAAPA, a 501(C)(6) trade association. The IAAPA Global Board approves the Foundation Board members, and IAAPA will match scholarship donations dollar for dollar through 2026. IAAPA also provides executive and administrative support. Donations to the IAAPA Foundation may be tax-deductible in the United States; consult your tax advisor. The foundation board oversees the foundation’s work, which is managed by the foundation team.


The IAAPA Foundation relies exclusively on private donations from companies and individuals to support developing the future leaders of the global attractions industry. Your financial support is crucial to this important industry effort. Below are the various ways you can contribute to the foundation.

The Inspiration and Education Fund

Donations support the mission of the foundation by funding scholarships and help develop additional partnership opportunities and alliances to grow awareness and support for the variety of careers in the global attractions industry.

Alexander (Al) Weber Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

Alexander (Al) Weber, Jr. PhD was the founder, president, and CEO of Apex Parks Group, former chief executive officer of Paramount Parks, and past chief operating officer of Six Flags. He was also a member of the IAAPA Global Board of Directors, and a passionate supporter of education and developing talent in the industry. His family created this fund in his honor and all donations are used solely for funding scholarships.

Named Scholarship Programs

Companies and individuals can support specific programs and scholarships that align with the mission of the foundation. These programs/scholarships will be named for the donors.


Jobseekers often are unaware of the professional careers available in the attractions industry. They focus on the industry’s frontline positions and they are often unaware of the rewarding professional, behind-the-scenes career opportunities in the industry. 

The foundation works with universities, technical and vocational schools, and other organizations to make educators aware of the opportunities in the industry and to understand how the industry can best support those institutions in developing relevant areas of study and career preparation. The organization also works to identify partners that foster inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) for the industry’s workforce.

Thanks to our 2024 IAAPA Foundation Donors

Thanks to the annual contribution of these companies and individuals. Their generous donations make the work of IAAPA Foundation possible. When you make a donation, you’ll be in good company!

$25,000 +
  • Chimelong Group
$10,000 - $24,999
  • Ripley’s Believe It or Not! World Entertainment
  • Summit One Vanderbilt
$5,000 - $9,999
  • Aramark
  • Herschend Family Entertainment
  • SSA Ventures
  • Themed Advisors, LLC
  • Bob and Jenny Rippy
$2,500 - $4,999
  • Liseberg Group
  • Premier Rides
  • WhiteWater West Industries
  • Anonymous
$500 - $2,499
  • Bernie Campbell
  • Gateway Ticketing
  • Universal Destinations & Experiences
IAAPA Foundation Board Members
CEO and President
Board Member (2025)
Liseberg Group, Sweden
Board Member (2026)
La Granja Villa Y Mundo Magico, Peru
Business Advisor
Vice Chair - IAAPA Foundation Board (2026)
United States
Board Member (2026)
Wonderwood, Italy
Corporate HR Manager
Board Member (2026)
Fun Spot America Theme Parks, United States
President and Chief Operating Officer
Board Member (2026)
Universal Destinations & Experiences Pacific Rim, United States/Asia
Managing Director
Foundation Board Treasurer (2025)
JNLEC, Luxembourg
Chair - IAAPA Foundation Board (2026)
Premier Rides, Inc., United States
Senior Consultant
Board Member (2026)
Chimelong Group, China
VP, International Business Development
Board Member (2025)
The Producers Group, United States
President and CEO
Board Member
IAAPA, United States
Business Consultant
Board Member (2025)
United States
Board Member (2025)
Whiting's Food Concessions, Inc., United States
Chief Diversity Officer
Board Member (2026)
Universal Destinations & Experiences, United States

Contact Us for any Inquiries

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