IAAPA knows safety is the foundation of your operations. 

For your guests, employees, the animals in your care, and for every aspect of your facility’s operation. We believe that safety is the shared responsibility of every facility, vendor, and professional in the attractions industry, and that we are all better when we work together. That’s why IAAPA creates dedicated resources and reporting so that members can access everything they need to keep improving. 

Misión Visión


Black Female professional working on a whiteboard

IAAPA has education courses focused on safety and security. With in-person events, online events and training modules, whitepapers and reporting, and IAAPA's safety certification, IAAPA has a growing library of safety education just a click away.

Effect Change

Construction Workers celebrating success

When it comes to safety there is no space for competition, that’s why IAAPA brings together safety experts from various backgrounds to share knowledge to benefit us all.​ IAAPA events like the Safety Exchange allow safety professionals to have candid, and necessary, conversations about lessons learned from safety incidents. Sharing this information and working together helps ensure that the responsibility for the safety of the guests is one we all share together.

Put into practice

Team of construction engineers

Stay on top of best practices and the latest trends in safety and security, as well as advisories on issues impacting the attractions industry around the world. Explore Safety & Security Fact Sheets and Advisories, IAAPA’s Facility Excellence Tool, and Safety Research and Reporting.​ IAAPA can help ensure you have all the information you need to turn safety plans into safety success stories.

A Global Effort​

IAAPA is working with the governing bodies of the international safety standards around the world to harmonize standards. This collaboration helps allow manufacturers, suppliers, designers, operators, and visitors in every area of the industry to create experiences with safety at the forefront.​

ASTM International

ASTM International is one of the largest independent standards-writing bodies in the world.​

They create standards for a multitude of materials, products, test methods, and systems for a variety of industries.​

IAAPA works with ASTM, and other international standards to educate professionals on best practices, emergency procedures, and the latest safety technology.

European Committee for Standardization

The series of three documents—titled EN 13814 by the European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation in French and abbreviated as CEN)—is a publication of accepted safety rules pertaining to ride design, manufacturing, operation, and inspection across Europe. The newly expanded standards apply to both manufacturers and suppliers, as well as owners and operators.​

The International Organization for Standardization​

ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, brings global experts together to agree on the best way of doing things – for anything from making a product to managing a process.