Dancing Across Disciplinary Boundaries to Create Immersive Experiences

Event Information
Thursday, November 21 | 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Learning Hub Sponsored by Miral S320ABEF
Session type

Collaboration across diverse disciplines is reshaping the landscape of immersive entertainment. Through the lens of industry leaders, attendees will discover the dynamic interplay between architecture, landscape design, media, live show production, and other fields in the creation of immersive experiences that captivate audiences.  

Throughout the session, participants will be inspired by and learn from real-world examples of innovative projects that have pushed the boundaries of traditional silos, resulting in truly immersive and unforgettable experiences. From theme parks to urban placemaking and even early childhood education, attendees will gain insights into how the principles of collaboration, confidence, and humility can lead to groundbreaking results.

By sharing stories of trials, triumphs, and lessons learned, this session empowers industry colleagues to embrace change and explore new career paths with a learning mindset. Attendees will come Walk away with a deeper appreciation for the transformative power of interdisciplinary collaboration and the endless possibilities it presents for creating immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.

Learning Objectives
-Embrace change and explore new career paths with a learning mindset
-Learn from examples of innovative projects made possible through a “cross pollination” process
-Understand the transformative power of interdisciplinary collaboration and how the process changes for different genres of entertainment projects

Linda Hung

Vice President of Business Development

Irene Eshak

Bezos Academy
Senior Site Design & Development Project Manager

Keith James

JRA, Part of RWS Global
Chairman, JRA, Part of RWS Global

Luc Mayrand

Walt Disney Imagineering
Senior Creative Executive

Terry Brown

Senior Creative Director