Irene Eshak

Company name
Bezos Academy
Job title
Senior Site Design & Development Project Manager
Social media

Short biography
Irene Eshak, Senior Site Design & Development Project Manager with Bezos Academy, is a dynamic and innovative architect who brings a unique blend of diverse experiences to the world of architecture. Holding a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Alexandria, Egypt, and being a registered Architect in the State of Florida for over ten years, Irene embodies the spirit of collaboration, diversity, and teamwork.  With over 20 years of experience, Irene has worked on projects ranging from commercial to theme parks, understanding the importance of integrating various perspectives to create spaces that are not only functional but also inspiring. Irene's approach to design is deeply rooted in the belief that architecture is a collective endeavor where every voice contributes to the masterpiece, with the end user being the center of it all. After transitioning into the early childhood education field, working fully remotely for Bezos Academy, Irene continues to collaborate cross-functionally internally within the organization and externally with partners, consultants, vendors, and general contractors.  Outside of work, Irene invests her after-hours and weekends in learning new skills and spending quality time with her husband of 24 years, her elderly parents, and two adorable puppies.