The IAAPA Political Action Committee is a way for IAAPA U.S. members and staff to join together and donate to the campaigns of candidates who share an interest in the attractions industry.
IAAPA PAC can ask for contributions from U.S. executive, administrative or professional personnel of incorporated IAAPA members, only after the corporation has given prior approval. If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form below.
IAAPA Political Action Committee

IAAPA U.S. PAC Frequently Asked Questions
Alle erweiternIndividual and non-corporate business members
IAAPA PAC can ask for contributions from U.S. individual and non-corporate business members of IAAPA.
Incorporated members
IAAPA PAC can ask for contributions from U.S. executive, administrative or professional personnel of incorporated members IAAPA, only after the corporation has given prior approval. Please fill in the form below to be considered for participation.
IAAPA PAC is a way for IAAPA U.S. members and staff to join together and donate to the campaigns of candidates who share an interest in the attractions industry. Federal law prohibits corporations or associations from donating to political campaigns; however, members, shareholders, and employees of these organizations can donate up to $5,000 annually to a separate fund called a Political Action Committee or PAC.
There are many ways IAAPA members can support the PAC, either through direct contribution, payroll deduction programs, or attending PAC fundraising events. The first step is to fill out a prior approval form (found below), which enables us to send you information about PAC opportunities and events.
IAAPA PAC is governed by the North American Government Relations Subcommittee. The subcommittee convenes to determine the best opportunities for IAAPA PAC engagement and support. The subcommittee is comprised of every facet of the attractions industry.
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