
Tiana's Bayou Adventure Opens at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

09:05 AM • Von Michael Costello

IAAPA News plunges into the creativity and thought process behind the new attraction at Magic Kingdom Park.

walt disney world magic kingdom tiana's bayou adventre
Credit: Michael Costello
On June 28th, 2024, the new Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. In this IAAPA News video feature, Walt Disney Imagineers share some of their accomplishments and the inspiration and storytelling that lead the design of this new attraction. Tiana’s Bayou Adventure continues the story of the Walt Disney Pictures animated feature, The Princess and the Frog, with new audio-animatronics, a compelling musical score, and a flume adventure through the Louisiana bayou with lead character Princess Tiana.


Michael Costello
Michael Costello
Managing Editor, Funworld

Michael is the managing editor of Funworld at IAAPA. With 20 years in the attractions industry, he has also volunteered in his free time with the National Amusement Park Historical Association. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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