Press Release

IAAPA Welcomes Storm Tussey as New Executive Vice President and Chief Membership Officer 

10:20 AM

Storm Tussey, Executive Vice President and Chief Membership Officer

Orlando, Florida (January 3, 2024) – IAAPA, the global association for the attractions industry, announced today Storm Tussey has been selected to serve in the newly created role of executive vice president and chief membership officer after a global search.

Storm is a marketing and sales pioneer with expertise in loyalty programs, digital transformation, and product development. Storm comes to IAAPA via her most recent role as the senior vice president of global commercial marketing at Hurtigruten (the world’s leading adventure travel group) where she was the leader of consumer insights, consumer relationship management (CRM), e-commerce, business-to-business-and-consumer loyalty programs, global media, public relations, and analytic teams. 

Prior to Hurtigruten, Storm pioneered loyalty programs for Lego Systems where she was the senior director of brand marketing supporting Merlin Entertainments offerings – and worked to increase brand-based, low-cost, high-value consumer visits to their e-commerce lines. 

Storm is a strong believer in gaining knowledge through education and holds multiple graduate-level degrees including a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing, a Master of Business Administration from West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV), and multiple Bachelor of Science degrees in Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Advertising, Design from Champlain College (Burlington, VT).

“I am pleased to welcome Storm to the leadership team of IAAPA,” said IAAPA President and CEO Jakob Wahl. “Her expertise in digital transformation, strategic marketing, and leadership will be essential in moving IAAPA forward for our members, ensuring the dynamic and diverse needs of our industry will be served with unforgettable experiences, connections, education, and resources.”

The executive vice president and chief membership officer role has been created to provide inspiration and direction on the future of IAAPA membership products, services, online capabilities, and research programs. This position also has oversight of the association’s digital touchpoints including the website and IAAPA’s Connect+ platform.


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IAAPA ist der weltweit führende Verband der Vergnügungsindustrie und vertritt Themenparks, Wasserparks, Familienunterhaltungszentren, Zoos, Aquarien und mehr. Die IAAPA setzt sich für die Förderung von Wachstum, Sicherheit und Innovation in der Branche ein und bietet ihren Mitgliedern erstklassige Veranstaltungen, Bildungsressourcen und Lobbyarbeit an. Die IAAPA verbindet Fachleute auf der ganzen Welt und hilft ihnen, beeindruckende Gästeerlebnisse zu schaffen und den Geschäftserfolg zu steigern. Mehr über IAAPA

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