Beyond Expectations: Building Lasting Memories by Creating a Guest Experience Council

Event Information
Tuesday, November 19 | 8:30 - 10 am
Session type
Human Resources

Are you ready to redefine your guests’ experience and empower your staff with a transformative service culture that leaves a lasting impression? Join this immersive workshop on creating an in-house Guest Experience Council, unlocking the keys to organizational alignment and elevated service excellence.

Immerse yourself in a dynamic forum designed to revolutionize guest and employee journeys. This hands-on experience provides practical insights, proven templates, and strategies for immediate implementation.

Discover the secrets behind successful Guest Experience Councils and witness real-world examples of organizations that have reaped the benefits. Break down silos and foster collaboration among departments, creating a unified approach to elevate your guest experience.

Tailored for leaders like you in an industry where the guest experience reigns supreme, learn how to fortify your brand through service, bridge the gap between internal and external service, and establish a Guest Experience Council that transforms your amusement operation.

Seize this opportunity to redefine your service culture, align your organization, and create an outstanding experience for your guests and employees. Elevate your business by unlocking the secrets to unparalleled guest satisfaction.

Learning Objectives
- Participants in the session will learn how to establish and lead an effective in-house Guest Experience Council to enhance organizational alignment and elevate the guest journey
- Participants will gain insights into crafting a powerful Guest Service Mantra, aligning core values with service standards, and fortifying their brand through exemplary guest service
- Attendees will acquire practical tools, guidelines, and strategic decision-making skills, empowering them to create a seamless, end-to-end experience for employees and guests while making informed recommendations by the staff members on the front line

Ruby Newell-Legner

7 Star Service
Guest Experience Designer