Off Duty Employee Conduct: What Rights & Obligations Do Employers Have To Take Action

Event Information
Monday, November 18 | 10:15 - 10:35 am
EDUTalk Stage S220DE
Session type
Facility Operations
Human Resources

Employees engage in a variety of “off duty” activities that may create implications and risks for their employers: political activities and protests, social media posts, criminal conduct, as well as various lifestyle decisions. Employers who become associated with this conduct by way of these employees may have obligations, or may be restricted from acting, depending on the situation and the jurisdiction.  This session will explore various real world scenarios and the potential legal ramifications for employers, including what rights and obligations employers have to take responsive action --- employee discipline, terminating employment, a public relations response, or nothing because the employee’s conduct is protected by law.  This session will also provide insights into various options for policies to allow the company to minimize impact and the risk of litigation.  

Learning Objectives
- The session will explore and analyze the federal, state, and local legal protections and requirements that pertain to employee “off duty” conduct
- The session will present various real-world scenarios as learning tools to showcase common “pit falls” for employers that are impacted by employee “off duty” conduct
- The session will discuss various practical “best practices” for addressing and handling situations where employee “off duty” conduct can create an impact on workplace and the company;- The session will explore and analyze the federal, state, and local legal protections and requirements that pertain to employee “off duty” conduct
- The session will present various real-world scenarios as learning tools to showcase common “pit falls” for employers that are impacted by employee “off duty” conduct
- The session will discuss various practical “best practices” for addressing and handling situations where employee “off duty” conduct can create an impact on workplace and the company

Robert Szyba

Seyfarth Shaw LLP