IAAPA Ride Safety Report - EMEA

In 2007, IAAPA launched the Ride Safety Reporting System in Europe to collect data that might provide reliable estimates of the volume and nature of ride-related incidents by gathering up-to-date, credible information that it can share in aggregate with interested parties in the industry, the media and government.

Vision de la mission

Ride Safety Report

Close up picture of a happy and laughing staff or participant people group listening to a startup business owner at a trade show exhibition event.

In 2007, IAAPA launched the Ride Safety Reporting System in Europe to collect data that might provide reliable estimates of the volume and nature of ride-related incidents by gathering up-to-date, credible information that it can share in aggregate with interested parties in the industry, the media and government. IRSR helps IAAPA to demonstrate how safe the theme and leisure park industry is; how that compares with the past and with other industries.

IRSR contributes to IAAPA’s key goal of continuous improvement in safety. The research demonstrates that ride accidents at theme parks and amusement parks are rare. Monitoring of traditional and social media confirms this. IRSR looks behind the headlines to explore accident incidence on different types of ride, the location of the accident, and perceptions of cause.

European Ride Safety Reports

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New Publications

IAAPA EMEA - European Ride Safety Report 2023

ERSR2023 is the latest edition to the Ride Safety Reporting System, commissioned annually by IAAPA EMEA to collect data that might provide reliable estimates of the volume and nature of ride-related incidents by gathering up-to-date, credible information it can share in aggregate with interested parties in the industry, media, and government. ERSR helps IAAPA EMEA demonstrate how safe the theme and leisure park industry is, and monitors trends over time.

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NEW - IAAPA EMEA - A Practical Guide to Improve Accessibility in the Attractions Industry 2024

This in-depth publication is a guidance paper for attractions industry professionals designed to help create and audit policies, processes and acceptance for visitors with disabilities and additional needs to deliver safe and memorable services to all guests. It is divided into three chapters covering the areas of commercial and communication guidelines, how to adapt existing rides and create new inclusive ones. The download includes two templates for members to assess the services offered in their facility and the accessibility of their existing rides. Written by members of an IAAPA EMEA working group. 

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NEW - IAAPA EMEA - Ride Accessibility Research Paper 2024

This research publication is designed to equip designers of new rides with a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and their families and friends. It covers the topics of international classification of disability, global outlooks, current perspectives of the leisure sector, strategy of inclusivity, accessible designs and ride accessibility guidelines. Written by members of an IAAPA EMEA working group.

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IAAPA EMEA Safety Publications

Ride Restricted Area White Paper (Published in 2024)

Access the latest publication covering a collection of safe and reliable practices and guidance to manage the risk of a system in motion in a restricted ride area. Written by members of the IAAPA EMEA Safety Subcommittee and volunteers from other regions, it combines expertise from Manufacturers & Suppliers and Facility Operators to keep employees, guests, external workers, and subcontractors safe.

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Ride Manufacturer Training White Paper (Published in 2024)

This brand-new publication outlines principles, best practices, practical examples and guidance for safety critical training for attraction personnel responsible for operating and maintaining a new ride following its installation. This paper covers the initial training and periodical reminders. Written by members of the IAAPA EMEA Safety Subcommittee and volunteers from other regions.

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Guidelines for a Successful Ride Evacuation (Published in 2022)

Written by members of the IAAPA EMEA Safety Subcommittee, the ride evacuation guidance document covers an important safety related issue and offers an outline of best practices, responsibilities, checklist, ride evacuation flow and considerations to help IAAPA members create and audit their own ride evacuation procedures.

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Guidance Notes for a Successful Ride Commissioning Programme (Published in 2020)

The commissioning programme can often be a hectic time for everyone involved, not least because opening deadlines are approaching and other works such as theming or landscaping are often still on-going, which poses additional risks. This guidance is primarily addressed to the two main parties involved: the Designer/Manufacturer (D/M) and the Owner/Operator (O/O). It offers practical advice on what should be considered, and when, during both the planning phase and the implementation phase, in order to ensure the commissioning programme is performed successfully and, most importantly, safely for everyone, whether directly involved in the programme or not.

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10 Ways to Reduce Accidents Caused by Guest Behaviour (Published in 2020)

The issue of guest behaviour across the visitor attraction industry has become an increasing challenge to attraction operators and particularly so where passenger-carrying amusement rides/devices are available to members of the public and such devices rely upon passengers complying with relevant safety instructions. This publication is intended to assist designers/operators of visitor attractions and ride manufacturers to identify the most common foreseeable patterns of unsafe visitor behaviour and potential risk mitigation solutions for these. The content of this document is not intended to be exhaustive but rather to provide best practice guidance on the basis of experience from across the wider industry.

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IAAPA EMEA Research Publications

2022 Europe Economic Impact Study

Commissioned by IAAPA and compiled by Euromonitor International, the 2022 Europe Economic Impact Study is an independent study designed to show the value on what the leisure industry provides to European market. The latest report covers 16 countries in the region and outlines 2021 direct, indirect and induced economic impact attractions contributed to Europe.

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VDFUTURE. Future Study 2025 for Leisure Companies in Germany (Published in 2022)

Verband Deutscher Freizeitparks und Freizeitunternehmen e.V. (VDFU) and IAAPA share a long and rich history of cooperation with each other. It is our belief that if we work together, we gain the best results. VDFU conducted a study about the areas of influence that determine success of leisure companies, which are:

  • Digitisation and digital transformation
  • Demographics, values and needs
  • Travel, leisure and experience behaviour

In partnership with VDFU, IAAPA translated the study to English to make it available to IAAPA members and continue our mission to educate and share knowledge.

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Finding and Retaining Employees: Labour Market and Employment in the Leisure and Tourism Sectors (Published in 2022)

Verband Deutscher Freizeitparks und Freizeitunternehmen e.V. (VDFU) and IAAPA share a long and rich history of cooperation with each other. It is our belief that if we work together, we gain the best results. VDFU elaborated a report about the challenges in the recruiting and retaining employees in the leisure industry in Germany.  In partnership with VDFU, IAAPA translated the study to English to make it available to IAAPA members and continue our mission to educate and share knowledge.

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IAAPA EMEA Government Relations Publications

IAAPA EMEA Public Policy Recommendations 2024

The job of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) is to give a voice to the more than 1,100 amusement parks, attractions, museums, aquariums, zoos, family entertainment centres and their associated suppliers that constitute our membership in the EU. IAAPA’s membership is a mix of individual parks and national associations that provide a single unifying voice for the entire industry, in Europe and beyond. In this document, we give you the perspective of our members on the issues that shape our business environment.

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VAT Rates for Amusement Park Admission in European Union Member States (Updated in September 2023)

In the past, members from many different countries have faced discussions with authorities on the VAT rates for amusement parks and attractions. The following document outlining an overview of VAT rates in the European Union Member States has been created with the help of the Government Relations Subcommittee.

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Restarting and Returning to Growth: IAAPA’s Recommendations for Recovery in Europe (March 2021)

IAAPA’s goal is to help the amusement parks and attractions sector successfully emerge from the pandemic crisis. This paper outlines a set of recommendations for post-COVID-19 recovery, industry’s needs for success in the short- and long-term, and actions we hope European decision-makers will implement.

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EU Funding Guide for Amusement Parks and Attractions (Published in 2018)

This funding guide is intended to serve as an introduction to EU funding opportunities for businesses in the amusement park, attractions, tourism and leisure sectors and provide basic information necessary to get started with EU funds. We gathered case studies to illustrate the use of funds. We share the stories of entities active in tourism that secured EU funding. The guide mentions a selection of major EU funding lines and lists practical information for applying and obtaining more details

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IAAPA EMEA Security Publications

Visitor Attraction Security Guidance - 10 Point Review Plan (Published in 2020)

International terrorism continues to be a major global concern. The world has witnessed numerous attacks on crowded places using a variety of methods and unfortunately, places of entertainment are seen by some terrorist groups to be attractive targets. It is a well-known phenomenon with continuous media exposure to the subject which can lead to complacency; however, with the on-going threat, it is important that operators are proactive in ensuring that their attractions are secure and that all employees remain vigilant. This document provides simple security guidance and action points for visitor attractions with advice on 10 key focus areas. This guidance should serve as an on-going reference for security best practices. At the heart of this, the objective is to embed a strong security culture amongst attraction employees and contracting partners.

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Copyright Notice

This document is protected by copyright and is meant for the sole use of IAAPA membership. You may not sell, alter or further reproduce or distribute any part of this document to any person and in any manner or format. Where provided to you in electronic format, you may only print from it for your own private study and research. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action by IAAPA for copyright infringement. This document and its content is copyright of IAAPA EMEA.

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