Abby Bysshe

Company name
The Franklin Institute
Job title
Chief Experience and Strategy Officer

Short biography
Abigail Bysshe is Chief Experience and Strategy Officer at The Franklin Institute. In addition to developing a robust long term and traveling exhibition program there, she is currently leading the master planning process underway ahead of Institute’s bicentennial in 2024. A graduate of Dickinson College and the University of East Anglia, Bysshe brings nearly 15 years of experience in innovative museum business modeling and exhibition development and implementation to the table. Before landing in Philadelphia, Bysshe spent seven years in the exhibits department at the National Gallery of Art and then five years at National Geographic, overseeing their traveling and digital exhibition programs and, eventually, taking charge of their museum partnerships both nationally and internationally. Her endless curiosity in the experiences and location-based entertainment industries continue to inform Bysshe’s drive to evolve the ways in which museums think, act, and earn in the 21st century.