Transforming Water Park Operations: From Paper to an Advanced Tech Setup

Event Information
Thursday, November 21 | 8:30 - 9:30 am
Session type
Water Parks

Transforming Water Park Operations: From Paper to an Advanced Tech Setup, aims to highlight the transformative journey of water parks anywhere from traditional paper-based legacy systems to advanced digital solutions. The session will detail how these technological advancements in both front-end and back-end operations are leveraged to enhance business decision-making processes.  

Join the following Session Speakers and Topics

Bret Blevins, Splash Kingdom Waterparks: From Paper to Digital: A One-Year TransformationDiscuss the rapid transition of Splash Kingdom Waterparks from relying on traditional paper-based systems to adopting modern digital solutions in the short time since they started. His presentation will cover the challenges faced, solutions implemented, and the significant improvements in operational efficiency and decision-making that resulted from this transition.

Brannan Holland, Pyek Group: Connecting the Dots: The Role of APIs and other tools in Water Park Digitization

Brannan Holland as a digital architect will delve into the critical role of APIs in connecting various digital systems within water parks. He will explain how Peek Group uses APIs and other tools to integrate different platforms, ensuring smooth operations and enhanced data flow, ultimately leading to better business insights and customer experiences.

Jordan Leach, HFE: Strategic Technologies for Big Picture Operations

Jordan Leach will share the strategies and technologies employed by HFE. His discussion will focus on the types of information that are most valuable for seeing the bigger picture, and how HFE leverages this data to optimize park operations, improve customer satisfaction, and drive strategic business decisions.

Learning Objectives
- Highlight the phases of transformation from manual to digital operations, emphasizing the improvements in efficiency and decision-making
- Present real-world examples of how different water parks have successfully adopted and integrated digital technologies
- Explain the importance of APIs and other integrative technologies in creating a seamless operational environment
- Discuss the strategic utilization of data and information to provide a comprehensive view of water park operations and support informed decision-making.