ALL exhibitors must complete the Booth Layout Form online form by 23 May 2025.

In addition, raw/space only or special design exhibitors of any size, and exhibits displaying inflatables, MUST also submit:

  • Detailed booth layout floor plan including stand elevation, electrical fittings, colors.
  • Materials and audio visual equipment to be used with dimensions in scale (not less than 1:100).
  • Front and side view drawing(s) with booth height.
  • 3D Perspective drawings.
  • Elevation views showing clearly all dimensions, graphics, etc.
  • Structural calculations / drawings proving structural stability, weight loadings, colors and details of the materials to be used for booth etc.
  • Fire precaution and protection.

Please note that raw/space only exhibitors must provide a wall between their booth and any neighboring exhibitors that must be a minimum of 2.5m in height. 3m deep booths maximum height for walls and display components is 2.5m.

Any exhibitor attempting to build an exhibit without IAAPA or the building approval will not be permitted to set-up or will be forced to close their space until the design has been approved. In addition, late form submissions are subject to a fine and/or loss of seniority as outlined here.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or if you do not receive a confirmation of approval within 10 business days of submission.

Group having fun in pool
Form Instructions:

1.  Login to your Exhibitor Resource Center. Use the password on your booth confirmation. You can also retrieve it by clicking the "retrieve" link and using the company contact's email address.

2.  Once logged in, go to Exhibitor Required Forms

3.  Click the Booth Layout

4.  The first question asks you what type of booth you have. Select Yes or No to:

  • 6mx6m or larger in size
  • Displaying an inflatable product
  • Requesting a variance to a display guideline
  • If you selected Yes to any of the items above, please upload between one and three files of your booth layout. Diagrams should include top, front, and side views of your exhibit, and indicate all dimensions. Please do not submit the form until your booth layout is ready for review.

5.  Click Choose File button.

6.  Browse to the file on your computer and select/click Open.

7.  Click the Upload File to attach it. If you don't see the file name listed, please contact [email protected]. File types accepted are PDF, GIF or JPG up to 10MB in size.

8.  Once you attach the files, enter your name and email in the boxes at the bottom, then submit.

Refer to the Booth Layout & Display Guidelines for height limits and other guidelines related to display items in your booth.

Adults riding on high swings