The Sponsor Services Guide contains all information you will need to have a successful sponsor experience at IAAPA Expo Asia 2025.

If you have questions at any time or cannot locate something, please contact Cheryl Sulock at [email protected] or Aarti Maharaj at [email protected].


Please see below for a list of all sponsorship related deadlines and scroll down for additional information.

Sponsor Logo Updates    March 22
Sponsor Spotlight Session Sign-Up (Platinum Sponsors only)    April 1
Sponsor Spotlight Session Details (Platinum Sponsors only)    April 8
Sponsor Video Approval (Select Platinum Sponsors only)    April 26
Select Preferred Ticket Option – Online Code or Paper Tickets    April 29
Sponsored Giveaway Shipments to Arrive at Venue    May 13
Pre-Show Email Campaign (Platinum Sponsors only)    May 15
Post-Show Email Campaign (Platinum and Gold Sponsors only)    June 5

General Information

Social Media Assets
  • Promote your presence and share with your network you’re sponsoring IAAPA Expo Asia 2025! Download the ready-to-use social media graphic to use on your social media channels. Don’t forget the official hashtag #IAAPAExpos.
  • Sample Post: We are proud to sponsor IAAPA Expo Asia 2025 and support the future of the global attractions industry. We hope you will join us in Shanghai! #IAAPAExpos
  • Download Social Media Graphic 


virtual reality
Registration and Tickets

All sponsors that are planning to attend IAAPA Expo Asia will need to be registered for a badge. Non-exhibiting sponsors will receive a complimentary registration code through email to register staff and invited guests and should register using Attendee Registration

Video Submissions for Platinum Level Sponsors

If applicable to their sponsorship agreement and selected event, Platinum Sponsors can display a 30-second video at their sponsored event. Videos should be submitted to Cheryl Sulock at [email protected] for IAAPA approval by April 26, 2024.

  • Format: mp4 file formatted for a 16:9 screen
  • Length: 30-seconds maximum
  • Deadline to submit video: April 26, 2024
  • Please keep in mind that IAAPA is committed to promoting safe rider behavior. Videos may not depict riders with hands in the air or holding loose articles, and all riders should be holding onto provided safety restraints.
  • For more details, please reach out to Cheryl Sulock.
boy and girl enjoying a museum
Diverse group of people connected in a network

The Connect+ app will be your main source of information during IAAPA Expo Asia. It will allow you to gain access to the full list of attendees, interact with attendees, schedule meetings, and much more!

Email Campaign Benefit for Platinum and Gold Sponsors

We are pleased to provide all Platinum and Gold Level sponsors with the benefit of reaching all registered, opted-in IAAPA Expo Asia attendees through email campaigns. This extremely valuable benefit is only available to our highest-level sponsors and provides the unique opportunity to engage directly with registered attendees.

  • Platinum Level sponsors receive one pre-show email campaign and one post-show email campaign.  
  • Gold Level sponsors receive one post-show email campaign.

Please click below to find the specifications and checklist to take advantage of this sponsor benefit:

If you would like to participate, be sure to note the approval windows for Platinum Level pre-show emails (April 29 – May 15) and for Platinum and Gold Level post-show emails (May 2 – June 5). Once your campaign is approved by IAAPA, we will put you in touch with the team at Direct Hit Marketing who will deploy your email to the full registrant list (opt-outs excluded).

Final deployment dates will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis after the approval and testing phases. If you have questions regarding the email campaign benefit, please contact Aarti Maharaj.

Smartphone Iaapa webapps
Sponsor Recognition

For a full list of sponsor benefits, please see the Sponsorship Program.

  • All sponsors will have their logos on the IAAPA website linked to their company website.
    • Please note that sponsor logos will be added to IAAPA’s website once a 50% deposit is received.
    • To update your company logo or URL for sponsor recognition, please email Aarti Maharaj.
    • The deadline to change your sponsor logo is March 22, 2024.
  • To confirm your company’s social media information, please email your URL, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to Aarti Maharaj.
  • All sponsors will receive a special sponsor icon to use on their website, social media, email signature, etc. Sponsor icons were attached to your sponsorship confirmation email. If you need them to be re-sent, please reach out to Aarti Maharaj.
  • Badge ribbons for all sponsors, as well as plaques for Global and Platinum sponsors, will be available for pick-up at the IAAPA Sales Office which is located at Booth #1337 Hall 3. Non-exhibiting sponsors that wish to pick up their ribbons and/or plaques prior to the Expo opening can contact Aarti Maharaj to make arrangements.
Registration and Tickets

All sponsors that are planning to attend IAAPA Expo Asia will need to be registered for a badge. Non-exhibiting sponsors will receive a complimentary registration code through email to register staff and invited guests and should register using Attendee Registration

Video Submissions for Platinum Level Sponsors

If applicable to their sponsorship agreement and selected event, Platinum Sponsors can display a 30-second video at their sponsored event. Videos should be submitted to Cheryl Sulock at [email protected] for IAAPA approval by April 26, 2024.

  • Format: mp4 file formatted for a 16:9 screen
  • Length: 30-seconds maximum
  • Deadline to submit video: April 26, 2024
  • Please keep in mind that IAAPA is committed to promoting safe rider behavior. Videos may not depict riders with hands in the air or holding loose articles, and all riders should be holding onto provided safety restraints.
  • For more details, please reach out to Cheryl Sulock.
boy and girl enjoying a museum



كن عضواً

انضم إلى IAAPA اليوم واحصل على وصول حصري إلى رؤى الصناعة والتواصل والفعاليات والموارد المصممة وفقًا لاحتياجاتك المهنية.

انضم الآنفوائد العضوية

أخبرونا برأيكم

تعود رؤوس أموال المستثمرين الأجانب إلى عهد قيام المملكة العربية السعودية منذ ستينات القرن الماضي وهي قادمة للعمل وتنمية الاقتصاد ولا تعتبر هروبا من بلدان المستثمرين من بلدهم. واكثر فئة من المستثمرين الأجانب هم ذوي الخبرات الواسعة ، وهم عائدون إلى بلادهم لحسن سيرتهم العامرة باستثمارهم في المملكة العربية السعودية في قطاعات عديدة في المملكة ولا أعتقد أن هناك من شكك في التحول الكامل للمملكة للعمل من اجل جذب المزيد من الاجانب للاستثمار في قطاعات متعددة في المملكة لطويلة الأجل يستفيد الجميع منها.

هل كانت هذه الصفحة مفيدة؟

شكرًا لإعلامنا بهذا. أرسل ملاحظاتك حتى نتمكن من الاطلاع عليها!


يرجى عدم تضمين المعلومات الشخصية (عنوان المنزل، الرقم الضريبي، الرقم الاجتماعي، وما إلى ذلك).
إذا كانت هناك حالة طوارئ، الرجاء الاتصال بالرقم 911
من فضلك لا تقم بتضمين المعلومات الشخصية (عنوان المنزل، الرقم الضريبي، رقم الضمان الاجتماعي، إلخ.)
إذا كان هذا حالة طارئة ، يرجى الاتصال بالرقم 911

تواصل مع القصص الحقيقية وراء المتعة

تابع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بنا للحصول على قصص حقيقية ولحظات مميزة وإطلالات من وراء الكواليس من عالم الجذب السياحي.
