
联系 URBO Studio

关于 URBO Studio

The national URBO platform is a web portal and mobile application for entertainment and leisure for the traveler or active resident in an urban environment.

URBO offers events, tours, attractions and activities to suit your taste. Whether you are in your own city or your destination is a tourist destination, with URBO you can find everything you need for an unforgettable experience. Along with this, you have the opportunity to purchase the service or product of your choice in real time!

URBO gives you a solution to several major problems typical of large cities and resorts – namely: the lack of real-time information, access to services provided by verified providers and secure bank payments. In addition, the platform offers a built-in direct connection to important administrative centers, embassies and emergency numbers.



3 Dobromir Hriz Str.
1124 Sofia
