
Michael Mack was born on 21 December 1978 in Freiburg and grew up in Rust, where he completed primary school before finishing his A-levels in Ettenheim in 1998. He is the son of Europa-Park founder Roland Mack and his wife Marianne, and has two siblings, Thomas and Ann-Kathrin.

From 1999 to 2003, he pursued International Business Management studies in Basel, Lörrach, and Colmar. During his youth, he gained experience at Europa-Park and held internships at Hubert Burda Media, as well as at international theme parks. In 2002, Michael Mack founded MackMedia, dedicated to creating new entertainment experiences.

He joined the management of MACK Rides in 2005 and went on to hold key positions in industry associations, including the board of the German Association of Amusement Parks (VDFU) and the European Board of the IAAPA. In 2015, he became a partner in VR Coaster and was named among Capital magazine’s ‘Top 40 Under 40 Entrepreneurs’ in 2016. Since May 2016, he has been a managing partner at Europa-Park, overseeing R&D, Marketing, Sales & Digital, IT, and related subsidiaries (MackNeXT, Mack Animation, VR Coaster, MACK Rides).

He has founded or supported several ventures, including MackNeXT (2018) and the immersive VR attraction YULLBE (2020). In recognition of his work promoting Franco-German relations, he was appointed French Honorary Consul in 2018. On 28 January 2025, President Emmanuel Macron named him a Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur. Michael Mack has been married to Miriam Mack since 2010; they have two sons together.

Empregador de Michael Mack.


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