What is IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider Program?

This program is developed and managed by IAAPA and promotes the consistency of attractions industry trainings by qualifying courses that align to IAAPA's Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) and adult education best practices.

The approved courses can be used to satisfy IAAPA Certified Attractions Professional (ICAP) and IAAPA Certified Attractions Executive (ICAE) continuing education requirements. The IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider Program registry gives certified individuals one place to quickly find these qualified courses.

Purpose of the IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider Program
  • The approved organizations and courses satisfy the continuing education requirement for maintaining the ICAP and ICAE credentials.
  • Selecting an IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider Program course helps expedite the ICAP and ICAE continuing education process since the courses were already vetted and approved by IAAPA. 
Benefits of Being an IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider
  • Boosts credibility into the attractions industry by aligning to IAAPA’S CBOK and adult education best practices.
  • Gains access to a global market of attractions professionals
  • Qualified courses can be found in the IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider Program registry.
Who qualifies to become a provider

Schools, Universities, training organizations and sole proprietorships that deliver classroom or online attractions industry courses are eligible if the course meets the approved criteria:

  • The content aligns with one or more of the 7 CBOK domains; Entertainment, Facility Operations, Food and Beverage, Games & Merchandise, Finance & IT, Human Resources Marketing, Public Relations, and Sales.
  • There are clear and documented goals, learning objectives and instructional methods that operates in an open, accurate and transparent manner
  • Appropriate instructional methods and principles of adult education are used to deliver the course including collaborative, experiential, and problem-based learning.
  • The course is taught by instructors who have the academic and experiential qualifications needed to meet course goals and learning objectives.
How to Become an IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider

Organizations, universities, or sole proprietorships that deliver classroom or online attractions industry courses are eligible if the course meets the approved criteria:

  • Interested providers must submit the application about the organization and course offering and pay fees prior to formal application evaluation through our online portal.
  • An IAAPA evaluator will assess applications to determine if the organization, instructors, course design, and course delivery meet the criteria.
  • Once revised, if approved, your organization will receive a package of assets and your course will be included in our registry.

Note: Additional courses developed after the time of application, can then be submitted - fees must be paid in full before additional course applications will be evaluated. The online system is easy to use, and the application process is expected to take a few hours to complete, depending on how prepared the provider is with the required information about the organization, course, and instructors.


For more information about IAAPA Pre-Approved Provider, contact Alissa DeMeglio, Senior Program Manager.

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