Unlocking FEC Financial Frontiers: Strategies for Funding Success

Event Information
Thursday, November 21 | 11:20 - 11:40 am
EDUTalk Stage S220DE
Session type
Finance & Information Technology

Embark on a journey through the diverse landscape of financing options available to operators of Family Entertainment Centers (FEC's).  

From inception to expansion, this session presentation will delve into the intracacies of funding new parks, equipment upgrades, and construction costs.

Discover valuable insights into sourcing funds and develop a comprehensive understanding of financial frameworks crucial for FEC Success.

Learning Objectives
- Understanding what Private Equity and how their investments can drive growth
- What does the P/E market look like with respect to the industry
- What needs to be done to prepare a business to generate maximum price and terms

Jesse Sorenson

LEAF Commercial Capital
Account Executive - Hospitality and Retail Finance Group