The High Cost of Low Engagement: Valuing the Employee Experience

Event Information
Wednesday, November 20 | 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Session type
Facility Operations
Finance & Information Technology

In an industry where guest experience is everything, the biggest solutions and investments usually focus on outward-facing initiatives. Any losses or gains in guest revenue is highly discussed, but what of the experience for those employees who deliver the magic?   

Poor employee experience design contributes to lack of employee engagement in our organizations. 23% of employees worldwide state they are disengaged, representing a global GDP loss of almost $9 Billion a year. Gallup estimates the loss at 34% of each disengaged employee's salary. Disengagement is expensive, contagious, and emotionally taxing, but we can work on fixing it.

The great thing is that excellent employee experience is a win for our people while also strengthening our workplaces. This session will define employee engagement and how to start making a change for your employees, to everyone's benefit.

Learning Objectives
-Understand the magnitude of the cost of poor employee engagement on your organization

-Identify the top contributors to low engagement scores

-Explore ways to fix your employee engagement cycle to improve retention and stop the loss

April Neal

Patterson Consulting Group
Employee Experience Consultant