SHOPPED: The One Good Display Workshop Challenge

Event Information
Wednesday, November 20 | 10 - 11:30 am
Session type
Games & Merchandise

Whether it's a large exit store, venue, outlet, or kiosk- having a display that lures guests is a key strategy to get them into the location and, ultimately, purchase.  

This interactive session focuses on the strategies and psychologies behind creating a display that will attract interest.

Theming, color, placement, and shape, all play into the efforts that work for just about any operation. As part of this workshop, you can participate in or witness the first "Displays of IAAPA Competition," where teams will build amazing displays right before your eyes.

If you are new to merchandising, this will give you a strong foundation. For those experienced, take away ideas that will bring your displays to life. Want to sell more merchandise and have your guests grabbing and buying more? Sheryl and Adrea have years of experience creating displays and can't wait to share it all with you. 


Learning Objectives
- Participants will see how other locations have used various applicable merchandising designs to create unique, singular displays
- Participants will better understand how to leverage their location to the greatest advantage
- Participants will gain tools that can be easily applied to their location.

Adrea Gibbs, ICAE

Alriginal Productions LLC

Sheryl Bindelglass

CEO/CFO (Chief Fun Officer)