Pursue Your Passions 2.0: Make Your Dream Job a Reality

Event Information
Wednesday, November 20 | 8:30 - 9:30 am
Session type
Young Professionals

What’s the best way to capitalize on a great movie? Make a sequel! This session is no different.  

Last year, Brandon, Charlie, Frank, and Megan led attendees in an interactive workshop to develop and design a career path and discussed lessons learned throughout their own careers. Building off of the success of last year’s “Pursue Your Passions Workshop”, “Make Your Dream Job a Reality” will go more in depth about how attendees can turn their passions into a career by discovering their “why,” developing a personal brand, and networking.

For those who did not attend last year’s session, the speakers will provide a summary of the previous presentation and set both returners and new attendees up for success.

Targeted towards young professionals and those looking to take the next step in their careers, this session will show how developing soft skills and finding a passion can lead to a successful career.

Learning Objectives
-Identify passions and find ways that those passions can be implemented into a career in the attractions industry

-Develop strategies for networking and personal branding

-Collaborate with others in a workshop setting to discover the industry opportunities for career growth

Megan Gannon

Image Engineering
Business Development Manager

Frank Hamedl

Fun Spot America Theme Parks
Corporate Human Resources Manager