World Building with Meow Wolf: AVL and Integrated Technologies

Event Information
Monday, November 18 | 1:10 - 1:30 pm
EDUTalk Stage S220DE
Session type

What techniques and technologies do technical specialists and artists use to transform a building into a world? Join Meow Wolf’s Executive Director, Exhibition Technical Arts, Derek Pendergrass, to learn how using light, sound, integrated technologies, and video come together to make immersive art exhibits live, breathe, and respond to guest interactions, ultimately building worlds that tell captivating stories.

Meow Wolf is a highly innovative and creative organization with a rich history of creating immersive and interactive experiences that blur the lines between art, technology, and storytelling, especially in reclaimed spaces that can be somewhat challenging. Their installations often feature complex sound, lighting, and projection systems, as well as intricate sets, and require the coordination of large teams of designers, technicians, and artists. This session promises to be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to create ambitious and immersive experiences with light, sound, and video.


Learning Objectives
-Learn how to support creative threads and story lines to reinforce world-building
-Gain tips for creating immersive experiences in a reclaimed space
-Discover the latest technologies used in creating interactive, immersive experiences

Derek Pendergrass

Meow Wolf
Executive Director, Exhibition Technical Arts