Thriving in the Middle – a Survival Guide for Middle Managers

Event Information
Monday, November 18 | 10 - 11:30 am
Session type
Facility Operations
Young Professionals

Let’s face it, we are ALL middle managers. We all have someone we report to and people we serve. But the pressure we feel is not just from above or below…when it’s time to make a decision, we can feel the weight of our impact from our bosses, employees, guests, families, and friends… all at the same time.    

But with this pressure comes opportunity. Whether we realize it or not, the 360 degrees of pressure that surrounds us is a two-way street – we get to influence the people around us as much as they get to influence us. 

The question is, are you making the most of this opportunity?

In this session, participants will be challenged to shift a “stuck in the middle” mindset to a less limiting and more empowering way to look at daily situations. They will also walk away with practical strategies to thrive from a position of positive influence. 

Learning Objectives
-Reframe the view from the middle – less pressure, more outward influence

-Explore dynamic work structures that allow leaders to empower themselves as well as their teams

-Identify practical methods to manage up

Matt Heller

Performance Optimist Consulting