Become a Happier Leader and Create a Bigger Impact

Event Information
Monday, November 18 | 9:40 - 10 am
EDUTalk Stage S220DE
Session type
Human Resources
Family Entertainment Centers

It’s easy for most business leaders to judge their happiness based on achievements at work. But every time they accomplish a big goal, they immediately move on and focus on the next, usually bigger, milestone. Any happiness that does come from these accomplishments is short-lived, and it seems like the only solution is to keep accomplishing more and more. In this presentation, Danny Gruening provides a different perspective, helping leaders focus on the process instead of the outcome. He unpacks the power of consistently focusing on the right habits, and he shares frameworks to understand how our words impact the people we serve. Danny identifies the steps to becoming a leader who celebrates wins and achieves sustainable fulfillment, while creating a positive ripple effect throughout the organization.   

Learning Objectives
- Discover the morning habit that will immediately reduce stress and improve the way you show up for those around you.
- Explore the simple question that helps uncover wins and gratitude, even after a challenging day of putting out fires.
- Identify how to manage the burdens of leadership without becoming overwhelmed or jaded.;- Discover the morning habit that will immediately reduce stress and improve the way you show up for those around you.
- Explore the simple question that helps uncover wins and gratitude, even after a challenging day of putting out fires.
- Identify how to manage the burdens of leadership without becoming overwhelmed or jaded.

Danny Gruening

Creative Works
VP of Business Development