Steve Milton

Company name
Job title
Chief Innovation Officer
Social media

Short biography
Steve Milton is an award-winning business leader and entrepreneur and is the Chief Innovation Officer at experience company, Superfly. Steve leads brand innovation and business transformation across the company and he launched Superfly’s Experience Labs, helping companies and IP holders develop transformative brand experiences through culture, technology, and multi-sensory design.  An industry veteran with over 15 years of experience translating insights into innovative solutions that drive business, Steve has earned some of the industry’s most esteemed honors for his work with Fortune 500 companies, A-list talent, and cultural institutions. He has been featured in numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, Fast Company, Forbes, Wired, The Verge, and Rolling Stone and he has been a featured key-note speaker at Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and other leading industry conferences.  Previously, Steve was Co-Founder & CEO at A_DA Group, an award-winning brand experience and innovation company and prior to that he was the Co-Founder & CEO of the global sound and sensory branding agency, Listen (acquired by Premier Music Group). Steve is a lecturer, mentor and advisor to various academic and cultural institutions including Northwestern University, NYU and the New Museum’s New Inc Program.