Mel McGowan

Company name
Storyland Studios
Job title
Chief Creative Officer

Short biography
Mel McGowan is a Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Storyland Studios, an international destination design firm with offices throughout the US and the UK. Mel combined a unique background in film and a decade-long stint with the Walt Disney Company prior to founding Storyland Studios in 2001 as a “three-dimensional” storytelling firm focused on Strategic Storytelling, Digital Storytelling and Spatial Storytelling. Whether master planning a 1000 acre destination or scripting the guest experience of a 1000 seat multi-media experience, Mel approaches each endeavor with a passion for creativity, excellence, and “coloring outside the lines.” He holds a bachelor’s degree in film from the University of California, and a Master’s from the College of Environmental Design at California Polytechnic University. He is an active member of IAAPA, Themed Entertainment Association, Urban Land Institute, American Planning Association, Congress for the New Urbanism, and Design-Build Institute of America. Having master planned and designed multiple theme parks, destination resorts and mixed-use developments, he has been recognized as a thought leader and contributor the experience design industry. Honors include the Themed Entertainment Association Thea Award, Blooloop Top 50 Influencers, and Solomon Awards. He currently serves on the Themed Entertainment Association Board, teaches at the CBU College of Architecture and Visual Design, and has recently been asked to speak or present at IAAPA, TEA Inspire, Thinq Culture Summit, the National Association of Town Builders and the Congress for New Urbanism. In addition to his work in destination design, his passion for cause-oriented work has led to projects as diverse as the Poverty Encounter for Children’s Hunger Fund, and a village of refuge and recovery for victims of child sex trafficking in Southeast Asia. Mel is consistently on the lookout for ways to tell + share stories, as a valued form of deep, impactful, connection.