Luke Riley

Company name
Village Roadshow
Job title
Chief Commercial Officer

Luke Riley is the Chief Commercial Officer of Village Roadshow, Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Board Member, and Global Governance Committee Member. For the past two decades Luke has been working on the ground throughout multiple Asian countries, with a vast cultural understanding of tourism and leisure infrastructure projects throughout the region, he is at the forefront of industry trends, leading technologies and strategies to maximize growth within the theme parks and attractions industry. Fluent in Mandarin, with a deep understanding of the intricate cultures across Asia, Luke is responsible for driving Village Roadshow’s international expansion and is in the vanguard for establishing and advancing international standards for design, construction, and operational safety. Luke was the Founding Chairman for both the Asia Pacific Government Relations Committee and the Asia Pacific Manufacturers & Suppliers Committee, and has been published as one of the Global Top 50 most influential executives in the theme parks and attractions industry by Blooloop.