Jessica Dreiling

Company name
Integrated Insight
Job title
Chief Marketing Officer
Social media

Short biography
Jessica Dreiling brings expertise in marketing and eCommerce strategy, data analytics, and revenue optimization. With a consumer-first mentality, Jessica assesses the strength of each brand, value proposition, and product mix for an organization to increase market penetration and consumer loyalty. Prior to Integrated Insight, Jessica was a Marketing and eCommerce Consultant with Hilton Worldwide, optimizing the marketing strategy for key account hotel portfolios and driving plans to improve conversion, share, and revenue for hotels. Previously, Jessica was the Marketing Manager at ICON Park where she created an integrated marketing and sales plan founded on consumer research that increased attendance and national awareness for the complex. Jessica also led the marketing department to develop marketing messages and compelling content that doubled website visitors and eCommerce conversion. Before her tenure at ICON Park, Jessica worked at The Walt Disney Company in Partnership Marketing, where she executed international campaigns from ideation to completion including work on Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Disney Animation Studios, Southwest Airlines, ABC, Wheel of Fortune, and Freeform. Jessica graduated from Grand Canyon University with BS in Marketing, Economics, and Finance.