Thanks for Coming in Today! Creating a Culture Where Employees Thrive and Customer Service is Alive!

Event Information
Thursday, November 21 | 8:30 - 9:30 am
Session type
Human Resources
Food & Beverage

By providing your customers with an unforgettable experience, your business can build customer loyalty and gain an edge over your competition. But what we often forget is that great customer experience starts with happy employees. Ryan shares immediate, low-cost solutions to transform your workplace into a customer-centric enterprise.  

By empowering your employees, you open the floodgates for unparalleled customer experience. In this content-rich presentation, Ryan will share best practices and strategies that lead to an amazing customer experience!

Learning Objectives
- Learn how employee satisfaction directly influences customer loyalty and business success.
- Discover practical, cost-effective strategies to empower employees and transform the workplace culture.
- Gain insights into proven methods and strategies to create an outstanding customer experience through employee engagement and empowerment.

Ryan Minton

Thanks for Coming in Today
Customer & Employee Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Best Selling Author