Confidence is NOT Rocket Science! Defeating Impostor Syndrome to Create Your Launchpad for Authentic Achievement

Event Information
Wednesday, November 20 | 10:45 - 11:05 am
EDUTalk Stage S220DE
Session type
Young Professionals

Impostor Syndrome takes you on a deceptive journey, constantly threatening to unveil you as a fraud despite your achievements. But your brain is bending the truth, and steering you off course. This session can re-launch your perspective as you navigate through the mental fog with clear strategies to alter your course and elevate your professional confidence.  

You'll explore the foundational pillars of confidence, reshaping your thoughts and actions. You'll start to embrace your own accomplishments and lead with the boldness your career truly merits. Leave burnout and frustration behind. Navigate beyond Impostor Syndrome, and step into a realm where your confidence matches your competence, and unleash your influence…one genuine success at a time. 

Attendees will:

·       Understand what Impostor Syndrome is, and isn’t.

·       Learn three steps to turn their thoughts from pitiful to powerful. 

·       Eliminate the “compare & despair” trap when around their peers.

·       Match their confidence to their competence and unleash their influence.

Learning Objectives
-Understand the symptoms of Impostor Syndrome. It's like a game of hide and seek with those sneaky feelings of doubt, especially in the thrill-a-minute world of attractions. We'll talk about what sets those doubts off and how they can throw a wrench in our work and vibe with our teams

-Ditching the Doubts: Dive into the toolbox for kicking those doubts to the curb. Gather these no-nonsense strategies that can stop that impostor syndrome in its tracks, boost how you see yourself, and make your workplace the kind of place where there are no fraud masks required

-Affirm your Confidence and beat impostor syndrome which is critical to making sure you bring your A-game