IAAPA Week: Water Parks Latin America, Caribbean

October 8 - 10, 2024

Event Type: Education
Region: Latin America, Caribbean
Event Time: -
Venue: Online
Member Price: 69.99 | Nonmember Price: 149.99
Credit Hour(s): TBD
IAAPA Week: Water Parks Latin America, Caribbean


This event is designed for water parks of all sizes, offering tools and knowledge that you can apply directly to your facility:

•    Income increase: Effective strategies to diversify and increase income in water parks.
•    Advanced technology: Technological innovations that can transform the management and operation of water parks.
•    Sustainability: Sustainable initiatives that not only benefit the environment, but also attract a more conscious public.

Benefits of participating:
•    Professional connections: Establish networks with colleagues in the sector to share experiences and knowledge.
•    Constant Update: Stay on top of the latest trends and best practices in the water park industry.
•    Practical application: Get tools and resources that you can implement in your water park.

Who is it addressed to?
Water park managers, supervisors, owners, operators, and tourism and hospitality professionals interested in water parks.

Register now and join us to explore how you can optimize your water park and prepare it for the future. Don't miss out this unique opportunity to learn and grow in the sector. Take advantage of the preferential early bird registration fee, we are waiting for you!

Online event, presented in Spanish and Portuguese with simultaneous translation to Portuguese and Spanish.


Please Note: Agenda is subject to change.
