Crisis and Continuity Management Exchange Session for Parks and Attractions – What (Not) To Invest Time, Efforts and Means Into?

Event Information
Wednesday, September 25 | 13:00 - 14:30
Meeting Room Breda
Session type
Difficulty level

Join us for an engaging IAAPA Exchange session, where Expo attendees come together to delve into a specific, timely topic. This open format session, with limited capacity, encourages participants to actively join the debate, ask insightful questions, and share their feedback, knowledge, and expertise with peers. Each session will feature interactive exercises and thought-provoking conversation starters designed to foster dynamic discussions. As an attendee, you will gain fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and practical solutions that you can implement in your own work. This is a unique opportunity to network with industry professionals and learn from their experiences in an informal, yet highly productive setting.

Everyone is welcome to join this roundtable discussion on preparing for emergencies and crisis situations.

Every organisation will inevitably face a crisis. In such times, preparedness is crucial. However, how do we optimally prepare for the unforeseen?

  • Does your park or attraction have comprehensive emergency procedures, crisis management plans, or a crisis communications handbook?
  • How much of your time, efforts, and resources are dedicated to risk management, business continuity, and crisis management?
  • And are your staff adequately trained to handle emergencies and crisis situations?

This exchange focuses on sharing insights and experiences on preparing for emergencies and crisis situations. We will explore key areas such as operational crisis response, strategic crisis management, business continuity management, and crisis communications. Similarly, we will discuss numerous preparedness activities for you to explore, such as auditing, planning, training, simulating and gaming. Our goal is to uncover best practices from industry experts, offering new and actionable insights.

The session will be moderated by Stijn Pieters and Robbert Meulemeester, both crisis and continuity advisors at PM • Risk Crisis Change, as well as seasoned crisis experts.

Exchange sessions are free to IAAPA members with their Expo registration. Entrance to all EDUSessions, EDUTalks, and most Exchange sessions can be purchased by Nonmembers for an additional €185.