From Paper to Pixel: Adapting to Modern Visitor Expectations

Event Information
Member Price €0 | Nonmember Price €0
Tuesday, September 24 | 15:00 - 15:30
Conference Room Van Gogh
Session type
Difficulty level
Amusement Parks & Attractions
Finance & Information Technology

As visitor expectations evolve alongside technological advancements, it's essential for to embrace digital solutions that enhance guest engagement and operational efficiency. This session will explore successful case studies and practical examples, illustrating how theme parks and zoos can leverage digital tools to create personalised, interactive, and seamless visitor experiences.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the evolution of guest expectations in theme parks and zoos and the role of digital transformation.
  • Explore innovative technologies shaping modern visitor interactions, from mobile apps to augmented reality.
  • Learn strategies for integrating digital solutions to improve guest satisfaction, streamline operations, and increase revenue.
  • Discuss challenges and considerations specific to the theme park and zoo industry when transitioning to digital guest engagement methods.