Social entertainment and competitive socialising, the new trend

Event Information
Member Price €0 | Nonmember Price €0
Tuesday, September 24 | 12:00 - 13:00
Conference Room Mondriaan
Session type
Difficulty level
Facility Operations
Marketing, Public Relations, & Sales
Family Entertainment Centers
Games & Merchandise
Finance & Information Technology

In today's increasingly digital world, Location-Based Entertainment (LBE) excels in fostering real-world connections, but what if the future of social interaction lies not in escaping technology, but in embracing it in a fun and social way?

Competitive socialising is more than a trend; it's a dynamic format that brings people together. As people drink less or not at all, venues must innovate to keep patrons engaged, using games to level the playing field and enhance social interaction. Venues like Puttshack, Flight Club, and boules bars are leading this new wave in the LBE landscape. By simplifying complex games, making simple ones more engaging, and allowing guests to personalise and share their experiences, technology plays a crucial role. These venues aren’t your typical gaming arcades. Here, laughter, friendly competition, and shared emotions take centre stage, creating a unique atmosphere that keeps guests coming back for more—an experience that home entertainment simply can't replicate.