Expo Europe Exhibitor Sustainability Commitment
IAAPA Expo Europe is committed to reducing impact of the Expo. Working together with exhibitors we try to save resources, avoid waste and act in an environmentally conscious way. In 2023, nearly 50% of exhibitors signed Sustainability Commitment.
In return for your company's commitment to IAAPA's sustainability program, the IAAPA sustainability logo will be added to your booth sticker on-site and you'll receive a digital badge added to your listing in Connect+.
- Accommodation
Select accommodation for your staff which are as close as possible to the venue. Use public transport, organise car pools or walk.
- Audio Visual
Use hire equipment or if purchasing new, ensure AV can be reused multiple times.
- Badge Recycling
Return your badges to our recycling bins at the end of the event.
- Car Engines
Remind your drivers to switch off engines when waiting to load or unload.
- Flooring
Use standard hire items such as carpet tiles that can be re-used at multiple events.
- Flyers
Avoid mass distribution of flyers or other printed matter, only hand out printed material upon request or give preference to electronic information transfer (links, downloadable files).
- Furniture
Use hire equipment and/or recycled materials where possible.
- Giveaways
Reduce your number of giveaways and if you must have giveaways please ensure they do not require batteries and have no plastic packaging.
- Local Staff
Use local staff and resources to reduce international travel.New accordion content.
- Packaging
Minimise packaging and reuse your packing materials. Avoid transporting goods that are not required.
- Paper
100% recycling paper or at least paper bleached completely without the use of chlorine (TFC) for the required printed matter, or commission a certified printing company.
- Plastics
Don’t use any single-use products (cups, plates, cutlery, cans, PET bottles etc).
- Recycling and Reusing
Buy products made from recycled materials. Materials brought and used for your booth design such as racks, roll-ups, decoration etc are reusable and are reused.
- Resource Optimisation
Have a plan for your booth materials at the end of the event and pre-book cleaning, storage and transportation requirements.
- Signage
Use recycled materials with eco-friendly ink where possible and ensure all content is not event specific and remove all dates and times so that it may be reused.
- Walling
Use recycled materials or a modular system that can be reused multiple times and avoid creating items that can't be used again. (This is also quicker and easier to assemble onsite!)
- Waste Management
Take away/recycle what isn’t distributed at the event.
Please Submit this form by 16 August 2024. Please follow the instructions below:
1. Click "Sustainability Commitment Form"
2. Login to your e-booth using the password on your booth confirmation email.
3. If you have forgotten your password you can retrieve it by clicking the "retrieve" link.