Get Your Jump On
Antalya Park - Booth A-1325
It’s a game. It’s a workout. It’s a lot of fun for all ages.
Antalya Park Technologies (booth A-1325) has created a video game where players uses a trampoline to interact with the game. By jumping, they score points on the screen in front of them … just watch out for virtual villains who will try to trip you in a virtual world! The product is perfect for indoor entertainment center, arcades, and amusement parks looking to repurpose a store or indoor location.
Go Head Over Heels
Upside Down House – Booth B-423
This house spins in a small footprint and creates a wild sensation.
Upside Down House from the United Kingdom puts visitors in the center of the their own story and then turns it all upside down. While the structure spins, riders sit still inside. Yet, perception is everything as the human mind and eyes are suddenly at odds as riders feel like they’re flipping upside down. Go for a ride in the video above.
The Floor is Lava
Valo Motion – Booth B-2301
Let the games begin! The designers behind the Valo Arena boast the product is perfect for a family entertainment center or amusement parks where staffing is tight. The mixed reality playground is an unattended play arena combining video, gaming, and physical movement for up to six players at a time. Guests see themselves inserted into the action via a live video feed as they run around the play floor completing tasks and avoiding virtual obstacles until one man is left standing.