Roland Mack
From 1969 to 1974, Roland Mack studied at the Technische Universität Karlsruhe (an engineering- focused university), earning his degree in engineering. Before and during his studies, he gained hands-on experience through practical training at various engineering companies, including his family’s own firm, Heinrich Mack GmbH & Co. in Waldkirch. He also spent several months interning in the United States, where he gained valuable international experience.
After graduating, Roland Mack pursued postgraduate studies in welding engineering at the Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Stuttgart. He then served as chief welding engineer at his family’s manufacturing company in Waldkirch.
Roland Mack is one of the founders of Europa-Park, which opened on July 12, 1975. Ever since, he has been a managing director—initially alongside his father, Franz Mack, and now with his younger brother, Jürgen Mack—and has played a key role in expanding and developing what is now Germany’s largest leisure park. In addition, he has been actively involved with IAAPA for many years.
Datore di lavoro di Roland Mack
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